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< Lana >

I walked past the sweaty bodies and got out of the house, I can't believe I am actually going with Calum in his car.

"Hey careful" he said while grabbing my shoulders, i almost tripped over some small stairs.

"I'm fine" I whispered trying to sound rude, I might as well give up.

"Here" he stopped me and gave me his jacket.

We soon arrived to his car and he opened the passengers door for me.

I got in and he soon got in to the other side.

"Alright" he said softly.

"Why" was all I said.

"Why what?" He asked while he started the car.

"Why are you doing this? helping me? Being nice to me?" I asked him.

"I-I don't know" he said and kept his eyes on the road.

"Well I don't know what changed you but you do know that you were a dick the whole time right?" I said loud.

"I know what I did! And I don't regret!" He yelled.

"What! What are you talking about?" I yelled back.

"You heard me, I don't regret being a dick to you"

"So you go being nice and then you are an asshole to me! I don't understand you!" I yelled while having tears in my eyes.

"Look I don't know what else to do" he said.

"What do you mean" I said while tears role down my cheeks, why am I so sensitive right now?

"I can't tell you Lana" he said.

"Whatever" was all I said.

We soon arrived to my house, how does he even know where I live?

I took out my seatbelt and I was about to open the door and I felt Calum's hand on my shoulder.

He turned me around so I was now looking at him.

He put his hand on my cheek and gently rubbed his thumb while I was lost into his brown eyes.

He leaned in slowly and so did I, what is happening?

I felt his lip brush against mine and I leaned in more so our whole lip touched together.

He then licked my lips for entrance and I let his tongue in my mouth. (A/N that sounds so weird and I have no idea how to describe it)

He soon let out a small moan and I backed away slowly.

"C-Calum I.." I said quietly.

"You don't have to say anything, sorry" was all he said.

"Alright um" I put my hand on the door handle and opened the door as I was about to close it I stopped, I opened the door and said "thank you"

He softly smiled and I closed the door.

I walked on the path and in my house smiling.

God what is he doing to me?


Yo yo yo

Guess who is baaack

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Make sure you check out my other stories on my profile and yeah ;)

Thankssss for reading.

- A 💿

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