I nodded shyly. His face lit up as he practically skipped to his seat. I sat down in mine holding in my laughter.


Four boring classes later it was time for gym. I went to the locker room the change. The boys were loud and gave me a headache. Thankfully I made it out in time before it become to big. Many of the kids here are vary dumb. I love seeing how they still can't understand simple games. Even if we did them the day before. They fall over themselves.

"Winter! Over here." Mr. Sam called.

I made my way to him feeling bored. What could he want? I'm dressed. "Yes Mr.Sam?" I asked sweetly.

He cleared his throat. "You weren't here yesterday. Did something happen?"

I smiled at him getting a bit closer. "Awwwe was Sammy worried about little me?"

A hot blush covered the forty something year old man. "T-That's Mr. Sam to you Winter."

I shrugged leaning to the side letting my shirt slip up a bit. "Sorry. I just really love nick names. They're just so...personal."

He swallowed hard before turning away from me. "Join the group Winter and keep up."

That meant we were running laps today. "Of course sir." I giggled walking away. When I was far enough I groaned. I hate laps. Its not enjoyable because everyone treats it like a race. I just like smooth running. Not this. By the time it was over I was sweating and irritated all over again. My hair was damp with sweat. I wanted nothing more than a shower. I moved slowly so I wouldn't have to share a shower with someone. That is so awkward.

I gathered my things then made my way to the showers. There's was little guys around and they were starting to leave. I didn't care if the bell rigged. I had lunch next anyway. I stripped out of my gym clothes before turning on the warm spray of water. I sighed as I felt it slide through my hair. I hate sweating.


I tried to turn around quickly but who was behind me was faster. I felt my body get pushed more under the spray and my face hit the wall, hard. I groaned from the throbbing that started. My right hand was brought up and held behind my back. I could barely see because of the water.

"God Your body is so perfect and so soft." Fuck, it was Mr. Sam. I knew playing with fire would get me burned one day.

"Let me g-hmmmm!" What the fuck was shoved in my mouth?

"Wouldn't want you to make too much noise. We're just having a little fun." He whispered in my ear as his free hand started to touch my body. I shivered in disgust. I jabbed my left elbow at him but he only groaned at the hit without releasing me. He put that arm behind me as well. "You were so flirty before. Just let me have a taste Winter." I bit down on whatever was in my mouth as his hand moved to my ass. I started pushing back at him but knew it was no good. He was bigger then me in every way.

Fuck. I don't have the upper hand in this.

I was pulled from the wall and pushed to the floor. I groaned again at the impact. Chills went through my body at the cold floor. His body weight landed on my back and my arms were once again held. Even though the shower spray was loud I could still hear a few things. Like the sound of his belt being undone, and the voices of a few boys who were still here talking. Their voices were coming closer.

If I couldn't get them to look this way before they pass then I'm fucked. Literally. I payed no mind to Mr. Sam as his hands roamed my body. The boys were snickering at there own joke when they came into my sight. I made a loud sound in my throat when I felt Mr. Sam touch my asshole with his fingers. That was enough to get the guys to look my way. Their eyes went wide seeing me laying on the floor with my mouth full of whatever. They moved towards me not seeing the gym teacher yet because of the wall.

"Hey umm did you fall?"

"That's a dumb question. His has shit in his mouth."

I felt Mr. Sam freeze as the guys got in front of me to see him. I relaxed as he stood up off me.

"Is that...."

Before anyone could blink one of the boys jumped over me to the teacher. I moved my arms to help push myself up. I quickly pulled out what was in my mouth. Eww, a rag. Hopefully it was a clean one. I looked behind me when I hard a thud. They knocked him out. When one of the guys took out there phone to call the cops I got my stuff and hurried out of there. They called out for me but I kept going. I dried off quickly then got dressed. My hair was still damp as I reached the cafe. Lunch was about to end. I put on a calm face and walked to the lunch line. I'm pretty sure we will get out early because of this.

I sat down at a random table with a few people who know me, I think. They waved at me so I think they did. I pushed around the mystery meet on my tray. The feeling of Mr. Sam was still on me. I wanted to bath in steaming hot water to get it off. It felt slimy and I wanted his life for what he did. The man should've had more self control.

I laughed a little to myself.  Who am I to say that? Not everyone is like me. Control is key.

I glanced to my left at a girl who turned to talk to me. Her lips moved but I just smiled and nodded at her. Nothing she said reached my ears.

"Attention students and faculty, today's classes will be cut short. Students are to report straight home immediately. I repeat, straight home. Your parents have already been left messages on why. Faculty members are to report to the front hall at this time."

I huffed at the principles voice. After the intercom shut off the noise rose up. I quickly got out my seat leaving the tray there. Most were questioning why while others where rushing to get their things.

I gathered my bag quickly before hurrying to the field. Hopefully Drake still meets me here. The football field was in the back of the school. I thought since school was out there would be no one here. I was wrong, I few class skippers were still around.

I huffed and looked around for Drake. He better get here.

"Sorry I'm late."

I turned and glared at Drake hard. It pisses me off when I can't see whose behind me. Even more so after what happened today. "Don't do that." I watched Drake smile flatter a little at my anger.

"Hey, no problem. Sorry." I let him touch my hand and move closer.

I sighed then shrugged. "That's ok. You just scared me that's all. Are you ready to go?"

He looked confused. "Go? Where?"

I shyly smiled up at him. "I was hoping we could have a movie night at my house. If you can spend the night." He went still making me clench my jaw. "I mean we won't do anything. I just thought of it as a first date. I'm not really into going out that much." I hurried out. 

"No-I-uh-Yeah! No problem. I completely understand. Just let me call and tell my mom." He turned away from me taking out his cell phone.

I smiled a little at his back. It's so fun to play with others lives. This is perfect. When he hung up I smiled more as he turned to me. "I can go."

"Cool! Umm did you tell your mom where I lived?" I tilted my head thinking of all the possible problems this could cause.

"No. She'd show up and embarrass me. Just told her I'd call on my way home tomorrow." He shrugged with the dumbest smile.

I smiled back nodding. "Don't be mean. Come on, this way."

What an interesting day.

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