"You like that don't you?" I whisper into her ear.

"Yes." Kate lets out with a shaky breath.

"Good." I then walk away from her and into the kitchen to get my coffee. I can feel her walking behind me obviously very confused about what just happened.

I get my coffee in my to-go cup and then head towards the door.

"Come on Kate we're gonna be late!" 

Kate's POV

Kristen leaving me hanging like that is all that I've been thinking about all morning. She is totally gonna pay for that later. It was finally time for lunch and I head back to my trailer.

I'm still thinking about our hot make out session in the trailer as I hear a knock on my door and Kristen walks in.

"Hey." She says as she sits down next to me on the couch.

"Hi." I answer.

"I'm sorry for just stopping earlier. It wasn't my intention but if we had gone any further we would have been late."

"It's okay but be prepared of having to pay for that tonight." I warned and then winked.

"I can't wait." She smiles at me.

She then turns her head away from me, I've noticed she does that when she gets uncomfortable and I find it super adorable.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask gently.

"Nothing really, well we aren't telling anyone about us yet right? I just want this between us for now, let me enjoy you for myself for a while. If that's okay with you of course."

I put one of my hands on her cheek and guide her face towards me.

"Anything for you my love." I give her a small little kiss on her lips.

Our intimate time got interrupted by a knock on the door and I get up to open the door.

Outside the door was Melissa and Leslie and they wondered if I wanted to have lunch with them and if I had seen Kristen.

"Sure and yeah I have seen Kristen she's actually here."

"Oh." Melissa let out. I turn around to Kristen.

"Hey, Melissa and Leslie wonders if we want to have lunch with them.

Kristen nods and gets up and we head out.

During lunch we talk a little bit about everything. Both me and Kristen had hoped the conversation wouldn't end up to me and Kristen being together in my trailer but nothing slips passed Melissa and Leslie.

"So Kristen what were you doing in Kate's trailer when we came and asked if you wanted to have lunch with us?" Leslie asked with a glimt in her eye.

I could tell Kristen got a lump in her throat and decided to answer the question for her.

"You guys totally ruined this for us. We were planning a surprise." I called out.

Both Leslie and Melissa look at each other and Kristen looks at me and mouths a thank you.

I smile at her and Leslie and Melissa looks at me.

"Ah damn we ruined the surprise!" Leslie let out.

"Yeah thank you for that." Kristen huffed.

As we finished out lunch and headed back to set me and Kristen walked a little behind Leslie and Melissa so we could talk.

"That was close." Kristen let out.

"Yeah." I agreed with her.

The rest of the day rolled on and the four of us girls goofed around as usual. I'm surprised if Paul actually get something out of our scenes and if this actually will end up becoming a movie.

When we finally had wrapped me and Kristen headed back to our hotel.

Kristen's POV

I'm so glad Leslie and Melissa didn't question it more after Kate said that we were planning a surprise for them but I still have a feeling they are that stupid and they might actually know what's going on. As me and Kate stepped into the elevator and took a hold of her hand and squeezed it tight.

"I think we need to tell them." It's barely a whisper but I know Kate would hear it.

"I know." She lets out a sighed.

"I'm sorry." She offered.

"It's not your fault Kate. As much as I had hoped we could have kept this for us, at least a little while I knew with Leslie and Melissa around it wouldn't be easy."

She smiled at me as we stumbled into her suite.

"Hey maybe we should just keep one suite huh?" She smirks at me as I'm taking off my shoes.

"Yeah maybe."

She grabs my hand and pulls me down with her on the couch.

I look up at her and smile.

"Kate McKinnon you hit me like lightning."

She leans towards my face and gives me a kiss.

"And you Kristen Wiig lights fireworks inside me."

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