22) Finally Famous

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Date: January 21st 1999

*Marshall's POV*

The 'My Name Is' video had finally dropped, and to my surprise it blew up. And listen, I'm not talkin "blew up" as in; I gained the respect of underground hip hop listeners. No, I'm talking "blew up" as in I got a shit ton of white suburban kids and their families listening to my shit. Fucking MTV was playing my video. It was some crazy shit. My song was playing on the radios too. It went mainstream, which was way farther than the success I was expecting. My album hadn't even come out yet and I already got all this money rollin in. I even got an appointment with TRL. It would end up being my very first television appearance. The world was finally ready for Slim Shady.


*Tori's POV*

"Marshall!" I called out from inside the bedroom. "We're leaving in 15 minutes make sure you're ready!"

I had just finished placing Gia down on the baby changing table and was about to replace her diaper, until Marshall busted in and distracted me.

"I'm right here." He laughed while pulling me into his arms from behind. He wiggled me around in his grasp, but suddenly shoved me off. "Ugh! Goddamn!" He blurted out while plugging his nose. "You smell like straight up shit, man!"

"It's not me, it's the baby." I said while rolling my eyes. "I was just about to change her diaper."

"Well you better do it quick, shit smells like a fuckin' skunk crawled up in her and died." He looked over his shoulder and smiled once he saw Gia lying down on the changing table. Slowly, he began creeping over towards her with his back hunched over. "Ayyyye, there's ma stinky little girl." He began tickling her stomach with his finger but that only made her cry. "Shit, what'd I do?"

"Nothing." I huffed. "She's just uncomfortable because of the diaper. Here, hold out your hands." I grabbed the bottle of hand sanitizer and squeezed a droplet into his hands. "It's time you learn how to do this." I explained while watching him rub the sanitizer in.

"Fuck, I dunno nothin' about changin' diapers." He saidvshaking his head.

"And that's why I'm gonna teach you." I retorted while handing him the clean diaper. "You're a daddy now, you gotta learn these things. Ok, now, place half of this under her butt by lifting her legs up gently." Marshall did as I explained by sliding the clean diaper underneath our daughter. "Good, now unstrap the diaper and--"

"Yeah yeah, I know what I'm doin' now." He interrupted while unstrapping the dirty diaper. He tossed it in the trash, then began strapping the clean diaper until I stopped him.



"Babe, you have to wipe her down first."  I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck, I knew that." He grabbed a wipe and began cleaning Gia's bottom. "There we go.." he released while folding the clean diaper over. "My baby's all comfy now." He lifted her up in the air, then brought her down for fast little kisses.

He pulled her closer in, then began patting her back softly. I took a mental photograph of the beautiful moment. Marshall looked ten times cuter while holding our child.

"Yo, we gotta get goin' now." He pointed out while handing Gia back to me. I snapped out of my trance. "You bringin' her with?"

"Of course, We can't leave her home alone. But don't worry, it's almost her bedtime so she'll most likely be sleeping anyways."

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