25) The Wedding

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*Interlude to March 14th 1999*
*Tori's POV*

Things had been changing a lot. Marshall's first album, the Slim Shady LP, was released just last month on the 23rd. He had received a ton of commercial success due to MTV promoting his hit single My Name Is. He had become a full blown star and it was hard to ignore. He could no longer walk the streets without people recognizing him. He was learning to be me more careful about that sort of thing. On the bright side, Marshall was finally getting the taste of what he always wanted. For people to enjoy his music and to accept him for all he was. And an even better plus was the money. We managed to save up a lot and were planning on buying a new home in a couple of years. I couldn't wait. Until then, the apartment was just fine, I still loved it. It was better than anything I had ever owned. And it was just the perfect size for our lovely daughter.


I stared into the mirror, slowly motioning a section of hair behind my shoulders.  I took a deep breath while pushing my collar bone forward. Goosebumps trailed down my arms and legs. Today was finally the day. Marshall and I had been planning it for as long as I could remember. It was a promise we kept for a long time. Since we lived in the poorest projects of Detroit. Through all the hardships, the burglaries, becoming homeless, all our meaningless fights. We stuck together through it all. And to look back on everything, in that very moment, it was enough to make me cry off all the expensive makeup.

"Baby girl, if you start crying now, all that hard work and money is gonna go to waste." Sharonda scolded while placing the veil over my head. "There." She released out of breath while slowly backing away. "You look like a fairytale princess."

"What can I say? I feel like one too." I replied with a stuffy nose from holding in my tears. "From rags to riches, just like Cinderella." I turned away from the mirror and faced Sharonda.  "Thank you for coming all the way out here with Proof and everyone. It really means the world to me."

Sharonda reciprocated the same teary-eyed grin.

"Of course, baby. You're a sister to me now. And I mean that."

We connected with a hug that sent a wave of warm memories over my head. The scent of her hair, her perfume. It all brought back old memories of home and Detroit.

"Well, I guess it's time to wait in the limo." I sighed while breaking apart the hug.

"Ugh!" Sharonda blurted while covering her mouth and bouncing up and down. "Words cannot begin to explain how fuckin' excited I am for you. Let's go!" She grabbed my arm and headed out the room.


It was just moments before stepping onto the aisle. Naturally, I had no parents to be here. And there was but one guest on my side due to the sole fact that I was never really given the chance to meet a lot of family or make any friends. My aunt Josephine from my dad's side was the only sort of family I had. She took care of me a lot as a child. And though we've drifted apart as I entered adulthood, we never broken our bond. I definitely had a lot of catching up to do with her.

Debbie couldn't be here for Marshall, either. Not after her constant threats to sue him for his crude lyrics about her. He cut her out of his life. On the bright side, all of D12 was able to move here in LA thanks to Marshall's generosity with cash. He also invited Dr Dre but he couldn't make it due to the fact that paparazzi would be everywhere.

Say Goodbye to Rockbottom (an Eminem Fanfiction) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora