19) Big Mistake

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Tori's POV
It was late afternoon. I was home alone basically the entire day, which was nice. I spent most of my day looking for job openings and dealing with some really heavy pregnancy contractions.

Marshall was still at work, thankfully.

I was still beyond pissed at him. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to write such crude lyrics about me in his songs. He made me sound like some type of monster. And for what? Because we fight? Because I have an 'attitude'? Half the time I'm right and he's the one who needs to work on his temper.

After dwelling into my anger towards Marshall for about ten minutes, I realized just how agitated I got myself. I couldn't sit still anymore.

I decided to get up off the couch and make myself a soothing cup of coffee.

While I was waiting for it to brew, I paced around, thinking more about Marshall. I began thinking to myself, asking questions I really needed to answer. It was like a voice crawled into my brain and began questioning everything.

Tori, why are you still with him? Because I love him...

Do you really though? All he does is get angry and yell at you, and apparently write terrible lyrics about you too. Damn, I don't know. We grew up together. We're so close because of our similar upbringings.. we were made for each other..

Have you ever thought to yourself, maybe you're forcing the relationship? Maybe you're too similar, too alike. You clash every time you get into an argument. Just because you grew up together, doesn't mean you have to be in love. Damn it, self, I've got no answer for that.

I groaned to myself while pouring hot coffee from my pot into my mug. I took a sip of the warm beverage and let it consume me. I closed my eyes attempting to think again.

And what are you gonna do once he's famous? He's gonna keep writing about you every time you make him mad. Do you really want the world to view you in a negative light? Making assumptions because of his songs? Do you really want your daughter to find out about those lyrics once she's older? And one more question, do you really think you deserve someone so immature? So ignorant towards your well being? You need a man who has a regular job and is respectful. Marshall isn't that man. Marshall will forever be stuck in his childish ways.

I tapped my fingers against the glass mug while leaning my back against the sink. I was overthinking so bad that I scared myself. Maybe I made a mistake being with Marshall. Maybe he was just not the one.

Anxiety overflowed into my body just thinking about the idea of Marshall not being the one. I didn't want to end up being like my mother and fleeing away, but if it was what's best for my daughter, and my dignity, I needed to do this. I needed to leave him.

I quickly placed the unfinished mug down on top of the counter. I then placed a hand over my stomach and stormed towards the bedroom.

I can't live a life with him. He's not the one. I opened the closet and started pulling out my empty luggage bags. I tossed them on top of the bed and laid them out, opened. I began rummaging through my drawers, tossing all of my belongings in. I didn't even bother checking what outfits I was bringing. It didn't matter.

Oh shit, my stomach.

I ran into the bathroom and sat on top of the toilet seat. My eyes were forced shut while I held onto my stomach. I was having another contraction. A bad one. Goddamn, this labor pain was so unbearable. It felt like menstrual cramps on steroids.

I remembered how the doctor said to concentrate on my breathing. So I slowly began inhaling and exhaling but my breath was still shaky from the pain.

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