13) Reunited

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Tori's POV

I was sitting on the plane, anxiously waiting to get to the airport. It was only a half hour away and my excitement was unbearable. I couldn't even imagine the look on Marshall's face once he'd finally see me and my baby bump.

I was 33 weeks pregnant, which was almost 8 months — although it felt like centuries. This was probably the last week I was gonna be able to fly a plane because soon I'd be hitting labor.

I leaned back into my chair and began thinking about Marshall. I couldn't wait to see him, and I couldn't wait for him to see me. Yet, at the same time ,I felt really insecure. I wanted to look amazing for him. I wanted him to think "Damn, she's so hot, I've missed that.." but because of this pregnancy, hot was the last word he or anyone else in the world would use to describe me. The only good thing was that I didn't gain too much weight. Maybe a little bit in my face, arms and breasts but the rest was just the baby bump, which is why this morning I was able to slip into a long black cotton dress with a denim jacket to keep me warm. So at least I knew my outfit wasn't too tragic. But the rest of me? Oh boy.. I looked like a walking corpse. Half of my hair was messily pulled back into a half down style, I was only wearing mascara for makeup which made me look even more tired.

Also, I may not have had any contractions yet, but I was facing all these other annoying symptoms. For instance, I constantly felt fatigued and exhausted. And my skin had been extremely sensitive. I've been going makeup free for the past week because my foundation caused my face to become red and irritated. I also had to wear loose cotton clothes that didn't rub too much against my skin otherwise it get all itchy and irritated. God, being pregnant sucked.

The exhaustion started hitting me all over again. I turned my head and looked out the window, slowly fluttering my eyes shut as I did so.

I was abruptly waken up by the sound of the intercom announcing our landing. I released an unpleasant yawn and reached out of my purse to grab my compact mirror. I rubbed under my eyes intensely before looking in it.

Perfect. The little bit of mascara that I had on, smeared all under my eyes, causing my puffy bags to look even more dramatic.

I attempted to wipe it all off with my fingers then looked back in the mirror.

My hair, it looked like a rats nest that's been tucked away by an elastic band. The hair that I left down looked all dull and a little oily. It also was overgrowing with split ends.

I continued to stare blankly into the mirror, pointing out every flaw I saw. "What will Marshall think?"

I groaned and tossed the mirror back in its bag.

Once I got off the plane, I started to look around LAX. It was amazing. The beautiful 65 degree weather and blue sky had me even more in awe.

I'm in Los Angeles.

After I went through all the security/check-ins, I grabbed my bags and waited in the arrival lounge.

I started scanning around, desperately looking for Marshall. I wish I knew what he was wearing so that things would be a lot easier. I was surrounded by a sea full of people who all looked the same to me.

It's been about five minutes of waiting in my seat. I started tapping my fingers on my arms as they laid crossed over my chest. Where is he?

Just then, I had an epiphany that gave myself a mental face slap. I remembered how Marshall told me to meet him outside the first McDonald's that appeared in the food court of the Tom Bradley International Terminal.

I hoped it was nearby so I didn't keep him waiting even more than I already had. The pregnancy really had me all scatterbrained.

I turned to the middle aged woman next to me in hopes of finding directions.

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