9) Hi! My Name Is...

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*Marshall's POV*

Today marked day two of working with Dr. Dre in the studio. I was less star struck this time and more in tune to what was going on.

I mean yesterday was too much of a shock for me to fully grasp what was happening. Thinking back on it just makes me wanna slap myself in the face. I was so fucking awkward and completely not myself. I made sure today would be different.

"Aight Em, I got some news." Dre stated as we both took a seat across from each other.

"Shoot." I nodded my head.

"I really like the progress of yesterday, you're a real talented cat,"

My heart was beginning to race intensely. Oh my god, is this going where I think it's going? I felt small tingles spread throughout my skin just thinking about the possibilities of what could happen.

Dre continued, "Your work ethic was insane. I mean you just went for it,"

Of course I went for it! I'm a maniac. God Marshall, could you be anymore anxious?

"And when we recorded, I felt like your unique flow and sound was very compatible with my beats,"

Fuck here it comes...

"And, well dawg," he released a sigh while smiling. "I'd like to sign you into Aftermath Records." He announced all at once.

Oh my god! Fuck yeah!

I didn't know what to say. I felt as though a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. This was happening. My dream was finally becoming a reality.

This made me much more confident about yesterday. I may not have won over Dre with my 'social graces', but my music showed him potential, and that's all that mattered.

"Thank you so much, man. You don't know how much this means to me. I-I can't believe this. I won't let you down, man." Wow Marshall, you're coming on strong. Why don't you suck his cock while you're at it? I gave myself a mental slap to the face.

Dre just laughed and gave me a fist pump.

"I know you won't. And that's why I wanna work with you." He laughed. "Now I just need you to sign a few things, you know, talk a little more about the industry. And after that, I'll get'chu right into the studio, and we'll start makin' records. Sound good?" I nodded my head intensely and followed him to his office.

Man, was this amazing. I got a baby mama at home and I've got a contract. In no time I'll have a family, and actual money to support. I couldn't ask for more.

After Dre went through all the contracts with me, we started heading towards the studio.

The room was filled with all of Dre's other associates talking about work and music.

"Aight let's get into this." Dre said while cracking his knuckles and taking a seat by the mixing board.

When I stepped into the live room, I just stood there, staring into the mic. I had to take in the fact that I officially signed into Aftermath. I slowly placed the headphones over my ears. When I looked back up, Dre was still talking with some of the associates. I could still hear through the glass.

Say Goodbye to Rockbottom (an Eminem Fanfiction) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora