20) Little Angel

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Paul gave Marshall the keys to his American Auto so that he could rush me to the hospital.

I was sitting in the passenger's seat, completely uncomfortable and anxious to get to the hospital. My anxiety was giving me the most intense heat flashes.

I was staring forward at the road. Maybe watching the rainy weather outside would help me calm down. No, these contractions were too strong and happening too frequent. My hands placed over my stomach as I attempted to breath steadily. I felt so uncomfortable. It was as if the baby was dropping because it was in a lower position of my birth canal.

I had never done this before, I didn't know how this was suppose to feel. What if the baby came out before we got to the hospital? I hoped to God that wouldn't happen.

I groaned loudly as a large cramp expanded around my stomach.

"Is there any way you can drive faster??" I screamed through the pain.

"Fuck no!" Marshall screamed back anxiously with hands glued to the wheel. "Do you see this fuckin' rain?? I'm not about to have us killed!"

"Going a little bit faster won't kill us!"

"For chrissake yes, it will." he muttered before his voice escalated. "Plus I'm already goin' 70 on a 65 with an expired license--"

"I need to get there like now, come on please!?"

"No, Victoria! I ain't gettin' us pulled over!" he screamed so loud that it actually made me shiver in fear.

"Quit yelling at me!" I retorted back.

"I'm mad! I'll fuckin' yell when I want to!" He screamed back. I rolled my eyes, not realizing he noticed. "Aye don'tchu fuckin' roll your eyes at me!"

"What are you doing looking at me? Keep your eyes on the road!" I hissed. There was an awkward silence until finally, Marshall spoke up again.

"Y'know if I wanted a bitch, I would've bought a dog." He grumbled.

"Well you don't own any bitch, we broke up remember?" I clarified while facing back out the window, still in pain.

"Great. Lemme just make a quick stop to Bitches-R-Us and get my money back." He chuckled to himself while I scoffed in disgust.

"Wow, it's sad you think you're actually funny.." It got quiet again so I tried to calm my now infuriated self down by looking back out the window.  "Aghhhrrr.." I squeezed my eyes as tight as possible and scream even louder as another contraction occurred.

Once I was able to open them back up, I looked at the road ahead of me.

"Marshall, what the hell are you doing?? It's quicker if you take Balfour and make a U-turn on Cortona Way--"

"Bitch, I've been livin' here before you! I know how to get there!"

"Then fucking get us there!"

"What the fuck does it look like I'm doin'!?"

"Taking the long way!" I screamed back. "I'm telling you, make the next exit!"

Marshall released a dramatic sigh but did what I said.

"Yo, what the fuck's this guy's problem on the side of me!?" He shouted as a car got too close to our lane. He rolled down his window, releasing all the chilly air and drops of rain into the car. "Fuck you asshole!!" He placed his middle finger out the window and started honking the horn repeatedly. "Yeah! Bite me!"

"What the hell is wrong with you??" I screamed. "Do you wanna start road rage at a time like this??" I snatched his hand away from the horn. He took a deep breath while rolling the window back up.

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