"You are going to be alright, bonita." Pietro rested his long hand over her shoulder, she looked up at him with a troubled expression. "Do not worry. When you feel it's too much for you, just say it." Cassie nodded, looking at the others gathering together.

The brunette shyly walked along with them and looked everyone with fear in her big eyes. Wanda sent her a reassuring smile before disappearing with Clint. Her attention was brought to Iron Man landing right in front of them, she tried her best to not gasp.

"Wow, it's so weird how you can run into people at the airport." Tony sarcastically spoke, making Cassie bite her lip to not laugh.

"Hear me out, Tony." Steve ordered, causing the man to stop smiling to look at him. "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." The girl frowned with confusion.

"Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in." Tony explained, completely ignoring Steve's words. "That was 24 hours ago, can you help a brother out?"

"You're searching for the wrong guy."

"Your war buddy killed innocent people yesterday. And there are 5 more soldiers just like him." Cassie gasped loud enough to catch Tony's attention, he looked at her and pursed his lips with anger. "You brought her here? She should be recovering!"

"She wanted to come." Pietro interjected, placing his hand in her shoulder.

"I didn't." She muttered under breath, which was basically true, but she wouldn't say that to them.

"I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony." Steve shortly explained, raising his chin to have a better look of the man. "I can't."

"Steve," Natasha interfered, gaining everyone's attention. "You know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" She quietly asked, stepping closer.

"Alright," Tony rolled his eyes. "I've run out of patience." Cassie tensed up as the man raised his arms to his mouth. "Underoos!"

A web landed on Steve's shield and snatched it away from his grip, Cassie tensed up when Spider-Man came to sight. She heard a lot about him, everyone in school liked to talk about the new masked vigilant, but she never had the opportunity to talk or even look at him.

"Nice job, kid."

"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better." The girl frowned, he sounded quite familiar. "It's... jut the new suit– Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. Thank you. It's perfect." He babbled.

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Okay." Spider-Man nodded, then turned to Steve and the others, Cassie looked away. "Cap–Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man." The boy, Cassie suspected, was probably the same age as her or a little older. "Yeah, we'll talk about that later..."

Cassie stared intensely at him, her eyes followed every movement he did and studied his actios in case she ended up fighting against him.

"Hey everyone." He waved at everyone, but his eyes stopped on Cassie, who seemed uncomfortable.

"You've been busy." Steve pointed, raising his eyebrows.

"And you've been a complete idiot." Tony snapped, looking directly at Cassie, his expression softened. "Dragging in Clint, bringing Cassie along even though she's not emotionally stable for this!" He exhaled deeply. "I'm trying to keep–I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed." Steve roared, causing Tony to look at him speechless for a brief second.

"Alright, I'm done." The man exhaled. "You're gonna turn Barnes over and you're gonna come with us."

After that, Cassie had to be alert when everyone began jumping over each other, attacking and fighting. She didn't know what to do, so she simply tried to fight back with the little strength she had and the little she knew.

"Come on, Cassie!" Sam dragged her inside the airport, not giving the girl a chance to breathe.

"I told him she wasn't ready." Bucky angrily muttered.

"You know I can hear you, right?"

Suddenly, Spider-Man appeared right in front of them, causing Bucky to push her aside to protect her from any harm the arachnid boy could do to her. Cassie took that as a cue to be invisible and let Sam and Bucky fight with the boy.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!" He exclaimed, causing the girl to frown. He sounded way too familiar.

Cassie watched as Sam activated his wings and flew to try and tackle Spider-Man away from Bucky, she shakily stood up from the solid floor and stepped forward to help them.

"Oh god," The boy mumbled as Cassie watched Bucky throw something at him.

"Cassie!" Bucky exclaimed, turning to look at her. "Turn yourself invisible!" And Cassie tried, but she couldn't. It hurt her body.

"I–I can't!" She yelled, starting to get panicked.

"Hey, buddy! I think you lost this!" Spider-Man yelled and threw it back, making Cassie flinch and instantly step away.

Her brown eyes traveled to Sam, who instantly fell to the floor with a loud thud and made Cassie gasp. He groaned, and her eyes caught the sight of the boy dressed in red and blue staring at him.

"Those wings carbon fibre?" He asked, titling his head to the side, a movement that was really familiar for her. After a few seconds, it clicked inside her mind, it reminded her of the only person who did that.

Peter. Peter was Spider-Man.

"P–Peter?" She stuttered, catching his attention.

"Cassie?" The boy turned his head to her. "How did you–" He asked, looking at her. "Are you the damsel in distress I have to rescue?" She didn't know why, but he was way too confident under that mask.

"I am not a damsel in distress!"

INVISIBLE | P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now