Coming Clean - 11

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Marks Pov.

So after the cleaning of the kitchen was had and breakfast, we all packed up to go to the lake. I just brought a small backpack with me that consisted of a towel, and sunscreen. I saw Jack packing the same things.

We went downstairs and we all walked out to Felix's car. Unfortunately it didn't fit all of us, so some of us had to take a taxi. Me, Bob, Jack, and Wade went in one. Felix and the girls took his car.

*~.*~*~*.~* Time Skiply brought to you by a random RV *~.*~*~*.~*

We finally go for the lake and we set up a place for all of us. The girls packed lunch for us for when we got hungry so we wouldn't have to pay. Felix and Wade carried out chairs for all of us. We had a cooler that was packed with water, soda and beers.

It was like a little circle that was set up so we were all in a group. I was the first to take my shirt off and go to the water. Bob and Wade followed me. Jack sat back with Felix and the girls and talked sipping some beer.

"I dare you to dunk yourself in the water." Bob said. I looked at him like he was dumb. "Dude that the best you got?" I asked. Wade laughed.

"I dare you to swim past the rope." He said pointing to the yellow rope that represented where we weren't supposed to swim past. It was a good ways out there. I covered my eyes to see it clearly without the sun in my eyes.

I shrugged. "Hold my glasses." I said handing him my glasses. I went up to the edge of the water and stuck my foot in. I was absolutely freezing. I retraced immediately.

"Dude it's fucking cold!" I laughed telling them. They started laughing.

"Triple dog dare you!" Wade yelled. I rolled my eyes and waved him off, stepping in the water again. I was up to my waist and decided it's a good as time as any to dunk myself. I dive under and swam as far I could with one breath. I surfaced for air and began to swim farther out. I felt the grass from the bottom brush my feet. I shiver in fear as I thought of all the animals under me.

But it's a lake, no harmful creatures are in lakes.... Right? I finally got to the rope and swam under it a good three feet away from the rope. I waved at them and splashed some water smiling.

"Your turn!" I yelled as loud as I could. I barley saw Wade shake his head. I chuckled to myself and started swimming back. I fin alt got back to shore and shook my head splashing water out of my hair on them.

"Ah! God." Wade said wiping water off himself.

"Oh please, just call me Mark." I said smirking at him. "Hey!" He exclaimed offended. I laughed. Bob started walking over to the water and waded out.

I saw Jack standing up and set his can down. He turned to Felix and said something before taking his shirt off and tossing it to his chair. God, he's beautiful. Felix shrugged and got up. He took his shirt off and tossed to his chair as well. Marzia got up and took her sun dress off as well reveling her white bikini. Molly and Mandy stayed and the others made their way over.

"So you finally decide to join us did you?" I asked as Jack walked close enough to hear me. He laughed. "It's been literally like 10 minutes, what do you mean 'finally'." He joked. Marzia and Felix walked hand in hand up to the water. I wanted to hold Jack's hand but I refrained myself from doing so.

We walked up to the water and waded out to where the other were standing.

"C'mon Marzia!" Felix said as he went out farther so he was up to his chest. Marzia was only up to her knees and was shaking her head. Felix laughed. "C'mon, it's not that bad out here!" He said motioning her towards her. She smiled and giggled.

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