Your So Kind - 15

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A/n- Chapter 15 guys! Yaaaaaaaay I had no idea this was gonna go on this long XD

Jacks Pov.

I was dizzy as fuck. My face was throbbing. Felix kept apologizing for it all and was literally doing anything I asked for. He felt so bad for getting me hurt. I honestly didn't care.

Well I mean I care that I got punched in the fucking face, I kind of have to care it hurst like a bitch! But I'm not that sort of friend who thinks he can get anything he wants just because he's hurt. I'm way to nice, I hate asking people for anything really.

"Felix, stop! I'm okay dammit!" I yelled laughing then realized smiling hurt my cheek so I winced and put the ice pack back on it. My face was probably super swollen. It felt like it was on fire.

"No your not okay! You can't even smile!" He said glaring at me. Mark laughed a little bit. I looked over at him, he was sitting next to me.

"What?" I asked. He smiled brightly showing off his pearly whites.

"I've never seen Felix so worried." He said. I smiled slightly, just enough to where it didn't hurt.

"Yeah you'd swear he liked me or somethin." I joked. Felix facepalmed.

"I'm just looking out for my friend!" He exclaimed and huffed crossing his arms. Marzia came in and grabbed his hand dragging him out of the room.

Mark and I were in our room. He pulled a chair over to my bed and was sitting on it while I was leaned up against the wall with and icepack to my face. If I got a dizzy spell, I wouldn't be falling over and hurting myself.

"You good?" Mark asked. I nodded in response.

"You need your computer?" He asked. I looked over at him and smiled.

"You know me to well." I said happily. Mark laughed. God that's so sexy.

"That's why we're friends buddy." He said and put a hand on my leg as he did so. It felt like electricity shot up through my leg and all throughout my body. I got dizzy again and held my head and groaned a bit.

"Owwwwwww." I groaned and leaned my head against the wall. He looked back a me with a worried expression.

"You good man?" He asked. I shook the dizziness away and gave a thumbs up. He set the computer down beside me and went out of the room saying he'd be right back.

"God dammit Jack, just stop being gay for more than 10 minutes." I said, scolding myself. I opened my computer and saw the screen saver a pic of me and Mark. We were at a panel and I had my head on his shoulder. A fan took a picture and put flower crowns on our heads. It was cute, and the photoshop was amazing.

I heard Mark coming in and I quickly clicked onto Safari so he wouldn't see the screen. Aaand, then there's fanfiction..... Septiplier fanfiction. I quickly typed in YouTube and it loaded just as soon as he sat down to look at my screen.

A lot of Mark and Felix's videos were in my suggestions box.

Mark handed me a glass of water. I graciously excepted and drank it.

"You know you didn't have to get me this right?" I asked. He shrugged. "Well your hurt, and I don't want you to fall down the stairs and crack your skull open."

I smiled slightly. So he cares. He just doesn't care the way I want him to care. Great.

I started scrolling through my suggestions page and found a video that was titled. "Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, And Pewdiepie Get In A Bar Fight"

At first I thought this guys was pullin' my leg, but I remembered I technically did get in a bar fight. Mark beat the living hell out of the guy, and Felix did help start it all. I'm not blaming him at all. And there were a lot of people recording. There's bound to be at least a dozen videos about it by now.

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