The Fans - 2

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Sean's pov,

After I edited and upload the video I talk with Mark for a few minutes more.

"So." I said. Our conversation had fallen silent and I felt very awkward. I wish he was here. I want to hug him.

"When's the next time your free? I wanna do another collab." He said clicking his mouse around his screen no doubt on Steam. I smiled. I loved how he wasn't afraid to ask anything. And then there's me. All nervous and shite when I'm around him. I hate that.

"Whenever you want! I love doing collabs with you!" I said happily. I hadn't even realized I said that last part until it was already out of my mouth. I blushed and pulled my beanie lower over my eyes and looked at the ground. I hope he didn't notice.

Mark chuckled. "Me too. Okay I'll text you later and tell you." He said and stopped clicking around his screen looking at me. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes. 'Your so amazing.' I thought.

"What was that?" He asked laughing. I blushed. "N-nothing I was just thinking aloud." I stuttered embarrassed. "You need to learn to not talk to ghosts! For a loud Irish man you sure can be quiet!" He exclaimed laughing. I laughed with him. Good I just mumbled that.

"I don't mean to say half the things I do anyway!" I yelled. We calmed down and said our goodbyes.

"Mark can I-" I started. But the call already ended. I sighed and looked at my lap. "Ask you something." I mumbled the ending of my question. I want to see if I can come down to LA. I don't know why I just got the urge to ask that. It's pretty lonely here though.

I turned my cameras and equipment off and went downstairs. The door to my room was always a pain to open because of the mattresses I had leaned against the wall as sound dampeners. And that's mostly the reason I never left my room during the day. The other part was that I just have nothing else I need downstairs considering all my life was in that recording room.

I went on my Twitter and responded to a bunch of tweets from people and then I went to the YouTube video I posted to respond to those comments. By the time I'd made it to my couch with my water I'd already seen most of the fans 'ship' comments.

Omg Jacks blushing is so cute. 10 bucks says he was blushing because of Mark. Septiplier for the win baby!!

Septiplier!!!!! YAY!!!

Awwwww! Jack said he loves Mark!!! :3 so flipping cute.

They are like the cutest couple in the world.... *sighs* if only it was real.

I laughed at the last one I read. 'My thoughts exactly' I thought and clicked off the video. I wish I could've responded to those comments but I can't. If anyone knows I'm not straight I'll be disowned. I know the fans are just joking. Every fandom ever has shipped a boy on boy or girl on girl relationship. At one point I think I saw an entire YouTube channel crumble to the ground because of the fact that they made a video saying that the boyXboy ship was real.

God knows I'll never do anything like that. Obviously I'm okay with being the way I am but other people aren't. My dad never looked at me like a man after my mom told him. He always looked at me the way he'd looked at broken TV. Exactly that. Broken.

Of course I knew he didn't mean to hurt me but it did.

My phone started buzzing a ton. I jumped as I was zoned out in thought and looked at it. Caller ID said it was Felix.

"Hey what's up bro?" He asked. I laughed. "Nothin' much. How are you and Martzia?" I asked. "Oh y'know. Same old, same old." He said. So much deja vu. "So I was thinking that we all could hang out. I'll pay for all the tickets, but Mark and Wade and Bob are gonna be there. I called Ken he said he'd maybe come. I was just wondering if you'd be available? This weekend." He said.

My stomach dropped to the floor. I'd get to see Mark? We'd only seen each other in person 2 times before.

"Seriously!?" I exclaimed. I was happier than a little kid on Christmas morning. He laughed from the other line. "Seriously bro. So I'll take that as a yes?" He laughed. I nodded. Then facepalmed realizing he couldn't actually see me.

"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes! One million times YES!!" (XD it autocorrected to 'YAS' when I wrote that)

I was basically jumping around my living room with excitement when he hung up.

"I'M GONNA SEE MY FRIENDS!!!!" I exclaimed super happily and rushed upstairs to pre-record a whole bunch of videos.

(Wow a/n from the way future. Just btw, he's staying there for a week. So Saturday to the next Saturday. Im sorry for confusion. XD Im not the best at explaining things.)

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