Explanations - 9

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Jack's Pov.

"I guess we should try to explain this to everyone." I said and went over to my desk. Mark followed me. It hurt to say what I said. It was also embarrassing. I did want to kiss him again. I hadn't gotten what I wanted. Not fully at least. I want more... Way more. But I don't know how to tell him. Maybe when things aren't so awkward. For now.... What the hell am I gonna tell everyone?

"Yeah... How?" Mark asked putting a hand on the back of my chair. I blushed a bit.

"Uhh... That's what I'm trying to figure out." I said and turned the computer on and started to grab my camera. I stopped when I realized how bad shape it was in.

"Shit, did I do that?" I asked and picked it up looking over it all. Where'd the lens go? I looked around and found it sitting on the desk along with parts of the camera.

"Yeah guess you got pretty mad." Mark said, it sounded like he was hiding something. His voice was dry and it sounded like he was talking without air.

"Yeah... Guess I did." I said. I know full well what I was mad about and I know that I was more than mad. I was furious. I didn't want anyone knowing about my secret and yet it was broadcasted to the whole fucking world.

"Jack you seem upset." Mark said. I looked at him. I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to tell him I love him. I wanted to let him kiss me and touch me. But I can't. Not like this. Not when we have to explain to both of our community's that it was an accident. Or mistake. Or... Prank! It could be a prank!

"Mark I have an idea on how to explain this!" I exclaimed. "Quick gimme your camera!" I exclaimed. He went over to his desk and grabbed his camera. I took it and set it up. Not live, I've learned my lesson.

"So what's the plan?" Mark asked pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. I smiled. "It was a prank." I said. He frowned and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?" He asked.

"We can tell them that it was a prank! We can say that we wanted to get all the Septiplier shippers hopes up for nothing!" I said smiling very proud of myself. He shrugged. "It could work. But for some people it might not. People can tell when we lie." Mark said running his hand through his hair. God that's fucking sexy.

"Yeah.... Let's act really sincere about it then." I said. He shrugged. "B'okay. Worth a shot." He said. I turned the camera on.

"Should I do the intro? Considering it is a video that's gonna be like 'hey! Gotchya!'." I wondered allowed. "Probably." He said. I smiled. "Okay. 3,2,1 *clap* Wapish! TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE! And I'm here with Mark! Okay before you freak the fuck out and be all 'oh my god they kissed what the balls!'," I said imitating in a weird high pitched voice. Mark laughed. "We have something to say," I said. Mark jumped in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEPTIPLIER SHIPPERS! YOU GOT YOUR WISH! But! It was a prank to ha ha hady ha! In your face. We're meany heads." And then he made a fart noise. I couldn't control my laughter. I fell out of my chair.

"Dude are you okay?" He asked looking down at me. I managed to get back up on my chair. My face was red from laughing so hard.

"I'm fine. T-that was hilarious." I said wheezing. "What part the 'happy birthday Septiplier shippers?'" He asked. I shook my head. "All of it. Just perfectly blended together." I said. "Ah I see." He said. We turned our attention back to the camera.

"I'm good at acting aren't I? I mean c'mon. Them fake tears though! I can just *snap* turn those suckers on!" I said snapping my fingers. "Yeah really. But that was so awkward to do. God. And I actually wasn't supposed to walk out. I was supposed to stay in the room and then the video was gonna cut but I was just laughing to hard on the inside." Mark added.

"And then I kinda had to make it up cause this bitch left me hangin'. On the video I mean!" I said and immediately realized my mistake.

"STOP THE FANFICTION!" We yelled together and laughed.

"But yeah, it was a prank guys so stop freaking out." I said.

"We aren't gay. We have nothing against gay people or lesbians or bi, but we aren't. Anyway. We gonna end this video here?" Mark asked looking at me. "I guess we are!" I chirped.

"Thanks again everyone for watching and as always i- excuse me - we will see you, in the next video. Bu-buy!!" I waved to the camera with Mark and then cut the video.

"Okay let me just edit this a little and then I'll upload it." I said. Mark nodded. He watched me as I edited and I uploaded it to YouTube. Immediately comments rolled in.

'Okay good my mom would have made me stop watching you if you were gay'

'I don't believe you guys would prank us like that. You really had me fired up. Dang. Oh well'

'I would have been fine if you were gay.'

'Good Jesus's that's a lot of work for a prank.'

'I don't believe you two. Your totally gay.'

'Ew. These guys are weird. I don't understand why you idiots watch them.' 'Because we like these big idiots. Their funny.' 'Yeah. Go pick on a community your own size.'

I laughed at a couple of them. "I told you it would work." I said looking over at Mark smiling. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah. I was doubting you there for a second." He laughed.

"Jee thanks." I rolled my eyes and laughed getting up out of my chair and flopping down on my bed. "You might wanna check with your girlfriend." I said pulling out my phone. His face drained of color.

"Fucking hell." He whispered and went to his bed flopping down and pulling out his phone.

*.~*~.* Wibbley wobbly Timey Skipey! *.~*~.*

It's been about 4 hours. Mark has groaned and thrown his phone like 5 times. I keep laughing and asking what's wrong his answer is "my ex" so apparently their split up.

"FINALLY!!" He yelled in triumph and exhaustion. I laughed again.

"What the hell happened?" I asked. He picked up his phone again. "So she sent me a bunch of insults and shit about the prank thing and then she sees the video we posted saying it was a prank and she expects me to be all okay with her and shit. So I texted her saying 'I'm breaking up with you'. She says 'I knew you were lying about not kissing Jack on purpose you lying bastard'. So I reply, 'it's not because me and Jack are together it's because if that's really the way you react when you see something like this happen I don't want all the negativity in my life. So I'm breaking up with you.' And then she's all like 'fuck you ass blasting bitchaloid I never should have fucking dated you. I hate you. Don't try to talk to me ever again." He ended.

"Sooooo." I said trailing off. "SO! She used my line to break up with me when I was already breaking up with her! SHE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! And that's why I never date anyone. So.... COMPLICATED." He said throwing himself back on his bed. It was around 9 at night.

"I'm going to bed. Night Jack." He said. I laughed. "In your cloths. Your not gonna change?" I asked. He rolled off his bed. "I should go do that." He said heading off to the bathroom. I took this time to change and I crawled in bed falling asleep immediately.

"I'm sorry Jack, but I love you."

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