Keeping Secrets - 14

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A/n- because I know someone, if not all of you, is going to cuss me out when hey figure this out I want to say I'm sorry in advance and I'm prepared for you all to hate me forever.

Jacks Pov.

I can't believe that. Someone actually wrote that out. Wow, there are a lot more septiplier fans a lot crazier than I expected there to be. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed placing my phone on the bed next to me.

We were still all planing on going to the lake, I was just waiting for Mark to get out of the bathroom.

"Dude hurry he fuck up!" I yelled out at him. I heard him laugh. "Perfection takes time!" He yelled back. I rolled my eyes, "Your perfect anyway." I mumbled and re-read parts of the story I was just reading. Y'know, this story is really odd. It's considered rude to do that in someone else's house. But I guess if it wasn't loud then it was okay.

"What was that?" Mark asked coming out with black swim trunks and a grey T shirt on. I jumped a bit.

"What? Oh nothing." I said and got up off the bed. We raced downstairs yet again, this time he hopped like the last 10 steps and flew past me landing on his feet but doing a tuck and roll.

"Jesus, dude!" I exclaimed and ran down. "Are you okay?" I asked. He laughed. "My feet hurt but other than that I'm A okay!" He said patting my shoulder.

We all went to the lake, Felix taking the girls and Mark, Bob, Wade and I all took a cab.

*.~*~.*~ Tim Skep ~*.~*~.* (do you know what's happening yet? Are you pissed yet?)

The lake was awesome! We had a bunch of water fights and we played games. It was funny to see a bunch of grown ups playing Marco Polo but we didn't care who judged us, we're still 4 years olds at heart!

"Dinner hear? Or dinner out?" Felix asked.

"Dinner out!" We all said.

We decided to go to a bar restaurant. We all took our places and started talking. Mostly about video games and music videos but some of it was about like how our lives are going.

A couple hours in I was glancing over at the table the girls were sitting at. A guy walked up to Marzia and was totally flirting with her.

"Hey, Felix." I said getting his attention and pointing over at the man. Marzia was completely uncomfortable and this guys seemed to be really persistent. Even though she showed him her ring multiple times he still didn't go away. Mandy tried to get him to leave to but he still wouldn't go.

At one point I saw Marzia point over at Felix saying something along the lines of "That's my boyfriend over there." The man turned around and smirked clearly seeing Felix's angry expression.

"That's it." Felix slammed his cup down and walked straight over to Marzia and the man.

"Stay the hell away from her you dick!" Felix yelled and getting in the way of the man and Marzia. This dude was so much bigger than Felix and was towering over him at, at least 6 feet tall.

All of us were watching waiting to interfere if a fight broke loose.

"Should we go get the girls away in case they start throwing punches?" Mark asked. I nodded.

"Yeah." I said and got up going over to them.

"I said get away from her." Felix said pushing the guy. He stumbled back a bit and laughed.

"Felix, stop please let's just get out of here." Marzia said already getting up and grabbing her purse.

"You getting triggered little man?" The man said. I saw people with video cameras out. Shit.

"Alright ladies lets get away from here." I said and they all got up and walked over to the bar where Bob and Mark were.

"Felix? Can we wrap this up?" I said nudging my head towards the small crowd of people with phones. He looked over slightly and sighed.

"Alright buddy, you stay away from me my friends and especially my girl or else we are going to have a huge problem got that?" Felix said pointing a finger to the guys chest.

"No." He said laughing. Felix balled his fists. "I don't care what you say, but if you try to hit on my wife one more time I will have you thrown out of this bar for sexual abuse understand?" He said mater of factly.

"How about you leave this conversation leprechaun so I can settle this." The man said looking over at me. Now it's my turn to be mad. Only my friends call my leprechaun.

"Aum, no. You have a problem with my friend you have a problem with me." I said defensively.

"Alright," the man wiped off his face and turned around slightly only to turn back around swiftly with a balled fist flying straight at me. His fist connected with my cheek with so much force I almost fell. But I fought myself. We heard gasps from the crowd and I saw Mark stand up immediately and turn the guy around.

"Get the hell out of here now!" He yelled. The guy swung at Mark but he dodged and punched him in the gut. The man stumbled back a bit and swung again but Mark dodged again and pushed him over. The man was on the ground and the bouncer came and was dragging him out.

Mark ran over to me and help me up to my feet.

"Are you okay man?" He asked. I stumbled backwards still dizzy from the hit but Mark caught me when I was halfway down with his body pressed up against mine.

"Not really." I said using his shoulder as support. The group all came around me and were watching me.

"Okay, looks like we're goin' home." Bob said. I started walking out with my arm around Mark who was helping me stand when I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down to see a girl about 8 or 9 with an ice pack in her hand.

I smiled and let go of Mark kneeling down to her hight.

"Hi there!" I said happily. She looked really nervous and put the icepack to my cheek for me. I reached up and placed my hand on it keeping it there as she retracted her hand.

"Um, I'm a big fan and I don't like to see you hurt. So my mommy said that I could give you this." She said with her hands behind her back and swaying back and forth on her feet.

"Aww, thank you sweetie. Who's your mommy?" I asked. The girl pointed to the bartender. I gave the woman a soft smile and waved. She waved back smiling. "Well, thank you." I said looking back at the 9 year old. "My name is Ally by the way." She said. "Thank you, Ally." I said and hugged her. She ran back to her mom and I stood up.

I started walking with Mark at my side again and it took no more than 3 steps for my head to spin again and I stumbled. Mark wrapped an arm around my waist and I leaned into him a bit steadying myself.

"How many people, do you think, recording right now think I'm faking my dizzy spells?" I laughed. He chuckled.

"All of them probably." He said.

Yet again having to keep my secret wanting it to be true but knowing it never will. My mind drifted back to that oneshot I read. If only it happened that way.

A/n- so are you mad at me? If I confused you a shit ton here's what happened.

Jack was reading a fanfiction oneshot about him and Mark. That fanfiction was basically chapters 11- 13. So everything that happened in those chapters, didn't actually happen in real life for them. Mark never talked to Wade about telling Jack how he feels. Felix and Marzia never had the cute moment at the lake, Jack never found out about the poem thing and Mark and him never had the heated make out session. So basically it was a fanfiction, inside of a fanfiction. What you all wanted to happen, vs. how the day really went.

I'm mean I know but this gives me more to write now. I'm also leaving this unedited. Also i started and finished this in one night be proud of me.

Guilty Little Secret  (Septiplier fanfiction) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن