What Do We Do Now? - 7

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Sean's Pov.

I woke up in the morning to the smell of something delicious. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see Mark beginning to wake up to.

"Mark." I whispered. He sat up and looked at me. "What?" He said groggily. "What do you think their cooking?" I asked. He chuckled. Oh my god he's so flipping sexy. He inhaled deeply and looked back at me smirking.

I smirked back.

"PANCAKES!!" We both exclaimed and threw on the parts of our clothing we didn't have on and ran downstairs. I beat him down stairs to see everyone already up, still in their pajamas.

"Ha! I beat you! In your face!" I yelled and went in the kitchen to grab some pancakes. He fake pouted.

"You only won because I let you." He growled in my ear and walked past me with his plate. I blushed when he did that and sat down at the table.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked with a mouthful of pancakes. Everyone laughed and Felix said,

"I was thinking we could just play a bunch of games today. No recording?" He suggested. I saw Mark perk up at that. "IM DOWN IF YOUR DOWN!" He yelled. "IM DOWN!" I yelled. But it was muffled by the pancakes in my mouth. Martzia came out of the kitchen and laughed.

"Jack! Don't scream with your mouth full." She said. That got a laugh out of everyone. "Me and the girls will leave you all to yourselves then. Have fun!" She said and the three of them walked out leaving us on our own.

After we cleaned up and got dressed and all that good shit, we sat down to play games. I decided to secretly record with my vlog ting camera positioned lower so Mark, who was sitting behind me, wouldn't see it. So the people could see more of my chest. It was live feed too. This is gonna be hilarious. I tweeted everybody I was live streaming and thankfully none of the guys got the message.

I waved to the camera smiling and laughed as Mark walked behind me.

"What are you doing?" He asked putting his hand on my chair. I leaned back in my chair feeling the tips of his fingers on my shoulder.

"Nothing I'm waiting for you guys to log on!" I yelled loud enough so everyone could hear me, even without the devices Felix had us set up. He didn't have space for a whole bunch of computers in on room so we were all in separate rooms. Mark cringed and smacked my shoulder.

"Jesus your so loud." He laughed. I faked being hurt and held my shoulder in, 'pain'.

"Ow! Dude!! What the fuck!" I said moving away from him. His face filled with shock. "Wait seriously? I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" I couldn't help myself I was smiling. He was confused, then realization crossed his face.

"Boy I 'ought to teach you a lesson." He said balling his fists and fake anger. I decided to make it very awkward for him.

"Mark please, wait for tonight. Jeez ye horney bastard." I said trying to contain my laughter. His cheeks flushed so dark.

"You are a confusing person Mr. McLaughlin." He said with a confused look on his face. I smiled. "That's why you love me!" I said happily and saw that everyone else had logged on and we're just waiting for Mark now.

"Jeez you two get a room." I heard Felix laugh. "We do have a room. We're just not using it right now." I laughed jokingly. That sent everyone into a fit of laughter. I looked at the camera.

"You have the right to start the Septiplier comments and fan fictions." I whispered to them smiling like a maniac. ('Maaaaniac maaaniac!' I'm sorry I had to quote the song)

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