» Having Issues «

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"No Ni, you do. You do! It's just that I'm not really feeling like it right now." Liam shrugged.

"So when I do this," Niall paused to grind down on Liam's lap, "You don't feel anything?"

"Sorry, Niall." Liam said wanting to go back to watching his show.

"No, uh, i-it's okay. I'll just go take care of it by m-myself." Niall said climbing off of Liam and going straight towards the bathroom.


The next time a similar incident happen was only about 2 weeks later. In those two weeks, Liam and Niall haven't had sex once. So this is now a total of 3 weeks that they haven't had sex and it's driving Niall insane.

It was a Saturday and they currently had all of the boys over, Louis, Harry and Zayn. They were watching a movie in Liam and Niall's living room. Harry and Louis were cuddled on one couch, Zayn was on the recliner, and Liam and Niall were cuddled on the other couch.

Niall couldn't remember for the life of him what movie they were watching or what it was about. All he knew was that when the sex scene came on, Niall became very frustrated. Liam has been refusing to have sex with him for 3 weeks now and Niall was starting to go mentally insane.

It was some stupid scene in the movie where Niall was bored so he released himself from Liam's grip and went to walk into the kitchen. But, not before going over and pulling Louis with him.

"What's up Ni? I was enjoying the movie." Louis said pouting.

"Liam won't have sex with me." Niall said bluntly.

"What do you mean he 'won't' have sex with you?" Louis asked.

"I don't know! We haven't had sex in 3 weeks... 3 weeks! Do you know what that does to a man?" Niall exclaimed.

"Well do you know what the problem is?" Louis asked.

"He just won't get hard, no matter what I do. I could literally grind naked in his lap and he won't react at all!" Niall started to get really frustrated.

"Maybe he has a problem." Louis suggested.

"I don't know, I just don't know what to do anymore." Niall sighed.

"Well, this actually happened to Harry once I believe a while back in our relationship." Louis said.

"How did you get him to finally do it?" Niall asked.

"I used his biggest kink on him. Snapped him out of it real quick." Louis snapped for emphasis.

"I guess it's worth a shot." Niall mumbled.


Later that night when the boys were gone, Niall and Liam were in the bedroom once again watching another one of Liam's TV shows on Netflix.

Niall was bored so he attached his lips to Liam's neck and threw a leg over his hip. He started to leave small kisses and bites all over Liam's neck, hoping to coax a reaction out of him.

Although it was the exact opposite of the reaction Niall was expecting. Liam squirmed and moved his head away from where Niall was leaving kisses muttering a "Stop, Niall."

This made Niall freeze and stare at Liam in shock. No matter what mood Liam was in, he has never told Niall to stop touching him. Never has moved out of his touch and definitely never has gone this long without coming to Niall for sexual pleasure.

Niall shut the tv off and threw the remote across the room. Liam made a sound of protest but Niall shut him up by pressing their lips together and moving to straddle Liam's hips. Niall asked for entrance and soon they were snogging heavily on the bed.

Niam Smutحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن