It was quite ridiculous, actually. Having a massive crush on the boy you exchange a few words and games between classes? Maybe in another circumstances Cassie would snort and flip you off, but he was Peter. And he surely won a spot on her heart.

"Cassie—" Wanda opened the door, but stopped herself at the sight of an empty room. "Cassie? I know you're here."

"Why do you have to know everything?" Cassie hissed, turning herself visible again. Her hands flew to her hair as she untied her brown locks from the ponytail. "And you seriously need to knock. What if I was naked?"

"What were you doing?" She asked curiously and completely avoiding her questions.

"Can't a mutant girl play with her powers?" Cassie lied, jumping down the bed. "Remember I'm new to all this superhero thing."

"Someone wants to meet you," Wanda smiled, holding the girl's forearm and practically dragging her out of the room.

"I'm not in the mood, Wanda." She murmured, looking down at her gym clothes. She looked hideous and tired.

But Wanda decided to ignore her protests, and thoughts. It was easier that way, and the walk from her room to the living room would be calmer. She knew Cassie wasn't good meeting new people, but Steve Rogers was really interested in meeting his new recruit.

"Oh, hello." Pietro smirked as soon as he spotted the two girls.

"Cassie, this is Steve—" Wanda began, smiling shyly at the teenager.

"Captain America." The brunette breathed out, startled at the man before her. "Uh, I—I've heard about you." From Peter. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Cassie." He nodded, shaking her hand. "Call me Steve." The girl smiled faintly. "I've heard a lot of you, too." Cassie dropped her arms to her sides with a faint blush in her cheeks. "As soon as this little misunderstanding is over, we are going to find your brother and reestablish his memories." He promised.

"Can you do that?" The brunette asked hopeful, her chocolate brown eyes traveling from the twins to the man in front of her.

"We can, and we will." Steve sent her a reassuring smile.


Cassie leaned on the door frame as her eyes scanned her friend moving around the room with quick movements. Pietro threw several belongings inside the compact bag and didn't bother to look up to meet her gaze.

"Aren't you nervous?" She asked, playing with her own hands.

Pietro raised his head to have a better look of his friend. A smile crept onto his pale features as he watched her eyes scan the room with curiosity. That's what he liked about her. Cassie's eyes always showed her feelings, despite how much she tried to hide them looking away, her eyes always showed her real emotional state.

"I think I should ask you that." Pietro corrected, finishing folding his clothes inside the bag. "It's your first battle, after all."

"I'm scared." She admitted, meeting his turquoise eyes. Pietro exhaled deeply and left the clothes aside. "All I can think of is Charlie." Cassie mumbled, fighting back the tears. "Every time I go to sleep, I see him, I hear his laugh, and it hurts."

"Oh, bonita." The young man stepped closer to the girl. "Everything's going to be alright."

"He was so sweet to me." She broke down in tears, looking down at her trembling hands. "Every time I was having a hard time, he would drop everything to help me. He was my best friend." Pietro embraced her in a tight hug.

"He didn't die."

"But it feels like that." Cassie stepped back, cleaning the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"Here's what we are going to do," Pietro spoke out, placing his long hands on her bony shoulders. "We go to Germany, and you try to clean your head from all those thoughts about Charlie. Do you like how that sounds?" Cassie nodded.

"I can try." She sent him a reassuring smile.

"Lets go, then." He smiled, pulling her out of the room with him. "Germany is waiting for us."

INVISIBLE | P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now