Chapter 21

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Sorry i havent updated in a while things have been hectic but half term now woo! anyways enjoy.

Chapter 21

Carsons POV**

I sat there. Still. Niall had just been taken to prison for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Police officers surrounded me, either walking past or standing a little behind. I was shaking and crying. Niall.

"Miss,are you okay?" a police officer asked me. i shook my head slowly, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"Car. where are they taking Niall?" Toby questioned, his eyes holding confusion.

"There taking him away baby." i sighed, my voice hoarse from crying. He looked down and sat in my lap.

"Miss." i looked up at an officer maybe in his twenties. He had dark brown hair, and nice kid eyes.
"We would like you to come to the court for a standing trial, in two weeks time." i nodded and got up with toby and walked inside.

I didnt know what to do. Niall had been taken to prison and he didnt even do anything wrong.. I put my head in my hands and leant against the closed door,sighing loudly. When will i see him next? How long will he be gone? What if Liam comes back?

My closed eyes filled with tears as i thought about the what if's. I wiped my eyes quickly and was startled when i opened them, Toby standing infront of me. "Hey" i spoke. He looked at me.
"H-hes not coming back, is he?" he whispered. My legs gave way and i gell to the ground infront of him.

"I don't know" i sighed and he hugged me tightly. His arms around my neck and sobbed quietly into my neck.
"'s okay tobster" i cooed, not knowing if it would be or not.

Thank you!! sorry i lost my phone and then forgot to updatee

Love you my beautiful readers!!<3

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