Chapter 5~

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Okay so im ill today :( but no school so YAY i got a throat infection....urgh!!  so i thought i should give you lovely readers something to read...Enjoyyyy


"She has a little brother...who i get along with...he likes mario and i gave him my gamecube" Toby? Wait ME?!? okay dont freak out carson your fine..."Me?" i whispered,smiling a little.He nodded and looked up at me . "i like you too" i smiled.


Niall smiled at me and reached towards my face frowning."you should get some ice on that" he said.I nodded and stood up following him out the room.He turned round and looked at me."what are you doing?" he asked."getting ice.Duh?" he shook his head no an pointed towards his bedroom. I sighed and walked back into the bedroom and sat down.

Okay mental note time...

1. Niall moved in next door,changed my life already
2.HE came with his men and i got beaten up
3.Toby smiled because of Niall
4.Niall helped me.
5.Niall likes me.And i like him

the last one made me smile.Niall walked back into the room with a towel wrapping up the ice he sat next to me and placed the ice pack on my left cheek.

"I have to go soon" Niall spoke. "w-where?" i asked.He sighed and shook his head, making his hair fall in his eyes,i lifted my arm up and removed the hair from his eyes,making me and niall blush.Wow never saw a badboy blush before...

"I'll be back soon though, stay here with my mum and Gregg yeah?" he asked kissing my hand.I modded, not trusting my words, this is the most i have ever done with a boy , not that were doing much but i have only ever been hugged by a boy and that was when i was in 1st grade...

"Ill see you later Car" kissing me on the head and walking out of the room. I heard the door slam which made me jump. I rushed over to the window just in time to see Niall hopping on his motorbike and deivin away. So i started walking around his room admiring the posters and the typical boy things and what not. I got to his wardrobe amd rummaged through it and found a white ramones t-shirt (AN/Niall actually has one of theese...) and some sweats so i changed into them,hoping niall wouldnt mind before walking downstairs.


God i really wish i didnt have to go. I have a fight and its really important. I pulled up to pepper alley and slowly walking down it unitl i smelt the smell of beer and smoke.

I immediatly spotted my groups of mates and walked over to them,taking my shirt off in the process. "alright mate?" Zayn asked. "yeah whats going on?" i asked,curious. "well..." Harry started."Liams fighting you today,im sorry man" God i hated liam,we were bestfriends ages and ages ago but now he is a total asshole.He goes around raping poor innocent girls,taking their virginities.Just his name makes my skin crawl.(AN// LIAM wouldnt do ANY of thatstuff,he is just my chosen baddie in the story no affence Liam<3)

"you ready mate?"Zayn asked. i nodded and walked over to where Liam was standing ready to fight. As per usual all the people who had ready placed their bets were atheres around is chanting and shouting.

Liam took a swing at me which i immediatly blocked followed by another which again i blocked.I went to punch him but kneed him instead,one of my signature moves and i puched him on the left cheek which brought me back to Carson. Carson.Just her name makes me smile.I then thought of whoever that prick was who hurt her. As an instinct i lunged at Liam like he was the one who hurt her.

I was now straddling him punching the daylights out of him all my anger from carsons pain going into the hits.


Niall was doing well.He went to punch him but kneed him instead,one of his signature moves.
Niall just stopped as if he was thinking about something,he started smiling like an idiot.Me zayn and louis all shared looks before turning back in time to see niall straddling  Liam punching his face.I've known him a long time,and he has mever fought like this before.

Liams boss ended up breaking up the fight and dragged Liam away.Niall got up and made his was over to us.
"woah mate what was that?"Louis shrieked like a little girl.He shrugged."i gotta go lads,see you same time tomorrow" "actually we need you to train tomorrow,You gotta fight Liam again in 3 days" i sighed along with niall."okay bye" he said before sprinting off.


Me and Maura are watching the vow and crying our eyes out.After i made Toby go to sleep, we decided on doing something girly to pass time until niall came home. We heard the front door unlock but i was too busy crying to look back. "oh my god Carson are you okay?what happened?why are you crying?" he asked frantically,worried written all over his face.

I laughed a little before pointing towards the tv.He laughed a bit before sotting down next to me and grabbing my hand,making me smile abit and proberly blush.

After the film finished niall announced that we were going to bed and after a long monolog from Maura about having grandchildren we went upstairs.I was so embarrased.

"your still embarrased?!" Niall shouted from his room,the smile evident in his voice. I unlocked the door and came out in another one of nialls t-shirt's and shrugged"it IS embarrasing were not even together and shes already giving me 'the speech'" i huffed sitting on his bed. He chuckled before pulling me into his lap."guess what i did today?" he asked.i shrugged and looked down "were you with Ashley?" i whispered.

"yes" he replied."oh" "i had to tell her something important," he turned me around facing him."i broke up with her Car" i looked up at him in all serious,my face mirrored his. "really?" he nodded whilst smiling.
After a while of silence,he spoke up.
"so Carson...will you be my REAL princess?" he asked. "yes" i beamed before he leaned in and kissed me.His lips were so soft on mine an i could feel him smiling,which made me smile too. Sadly we broke apart and i leant my head on his chest.

"we should sleep" he sighed,i nodded. He pulled my under the cover and quickly got undressed into his boxers  which made me blush which he chuckled at and layed down next to me.His kissed my forhead before pulling me into his side,our legs intertwined as well as our fingers.

"goodnight girlfriend"

"goodnight boyfriend"

okay pretend he did actually break up with Ashley yeah ??:*




Love you my beautiful readers !!<3

Mr Bad Boy~Niall Horan Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ