Chapter 16~

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Hey so im not feeling very well so sorry if this chapter is bad...

Niall's POV**

Today was the day. The day the Carson's life depended on. If she didnt wake up in an hour they will pull the plug on her. God it's been horrible here, I haven't showered and i have barely eaten anything.

I talk to her all the time in hope that she will hear me. It makes me cry but what hurts me the most is that if she does...go today, she won't truly know how much I love her.

The test results for the pregnancy came back negative which is good, it she would have been pregnant they would have to take the baby out because of her condition and i didn't want to be the one to bring such bad news to her.

"Me Horan?" A nurse asked. Her name was Mindy, she had blonde hair and a block fringe. Her and her son are always here. Her son's name is Keaton and he has stage 3 cancer but he is so strong. He made a picture for Carson's room yesterday, it was a picture of him and me with her. She would love it.

"Yes?" She sighed and sat down,grabbing my hand.
"In about half an hour, if she dosent wake up, we well were gonna have to-" I cut her off.
"I know, please don't say it."
"You know I'm 80% sure that she will wake up, love." I nodded and grabbed her hand. Monday left and i broke down.

"Why? .Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Carson can't...please..."

Carson's POV***

White. That's all I could see. Pure white. Where was i?
"Hello?" I shouted.

My mother was standing in front of me, looking so beautiful and less stressed than ever. Her hair falling over her shoulder and her green eyes twinkling.
"M-mother?" She nodded and opened her arms which I was engulfed in seconds later.

I started to cry uncontrollably.
"Shhhh. It's okay baby, I'm here, but you shouldn't be."
"S-shouldn't be where?"
"Here baby, its not your time yet, you need to wake up, think about Toby. And niall, what would he do without you?"

I sighed.

"He proberly is messing around with other girls mother, he..." She grabbed my hand and pulled me until we were in a hospital room. My hospital room. There i saw, me, lying in the bed looking awful and Niall. I smiled at the fact the he was there.

"Baby, he hasn't left this room once, only to visit that little boy in the next room once or twice. He loves you. You NEED to wake up."

"B-but how can I-How long have i been like this?"
"A while baby. Come here." Her arms were wide open and i grabbed her in a hug.
"You have about ten minutes to wake up baby, or they will pull the plug on you" she started to fade away.
"Mother don't go please?"
"Shh baby," she stroked my hair.
"I'll always be watching over you, and your father, but right now you have to wake up" and then she was gone.

All of a sudden i was laying down, I must be in the hospital bed.

"...And I know you'll get through baby, please just wake up" I heard sobbing. Niall must be talking to me.
"Excuse me sir we have waited long enough. This is it" i heard moving around and a crash.

"Sir please"

I tried. I really did but i couldn't seem to open them.


I saw something, it was all blue and spotty, it looked really pretty, wait! Am I dying?

"STOP IT PLEASE...YOUR KILLING HER...PLEASE...STOP!" Niall screamed and i felt something grab my arm, something pinched me and it made me sit straight up.

There was about five or six doctors and Niall struggling behind the door.

"Miss?" A doctor asked.
"..." My voice! I opened my mouth once again and nothing came out. My voice! "Is that man out there your boyfriend?" I nodded. The door opened and Niall walked in and wiped his eyes.

"Carson? Baby is that you" he cradled me in his arms, kissing my forehead.
"Baby talk?" I kissed his nose and smiled. He smiled back.

"It seems, because she has been in a coma for over two months...she might have lost her voice, we don't know if its permanent but for now we will have to say she is a mute, type B, im sorry" and all the doctors exited the room.

" i...I love you so much, don't do that ever again okay?" I nodded and a tear fell.
"Why are you crying?" I opened my mouth but nothing came out, more tears fell at the loss of my voice.

He got up and got the whiteboard off of the wall and a pen and handed it to me.
I wrote ' I'm crying because i can't actually say that I love you back'

"It's fine baby girl." He kissed me and I drifted off into a sleep.

Thank you!! Hope you liked it.




Love you my beautiful readers!!<3

Mr Bad Boy~Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now