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Aleena: Protagonist of the story. Hardwroking , confident, adorable , caring and beautiful young girl with aims and responsibilities in life.
Daniyal Hassan : Hero of the story. He is so handsome that every girl wants a man like him. He is a famous actor , model and singer of Pakistan. He is a man with kind heart.
Amber: Mother of Daniyal . Rich and humble as her son

Hassan Sheroze : father of Daniyal. A famous businesman

Imran Shah:Father of Aleena. A government officer

Maria Shah : Mother of Aleena, housewife.

Palwasha: Cousin of Daniyal and other half of Aleena.

Hamza Shah:Brother of Aleena. He is a Doctor
Illma : Elder sister of Daniyal.

Chef David: A psychopath. Chef.

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