"Holy shit, put it away it's tracking our location!" Blair screamed and Sanaara quickly slammed the laptop shut.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Sanaara grabbed the laptop and other items off of her desk and into a backpack.

"But Eric," I began but Blaire shook her head.

"As long as we are here with this laptop, they will find us," she screamed and Sanaara agreed.

"You two get out of here, I'm going to try to get rid of the laptop," she instructed, running out the door.

"How will we get in touch again??" I yelled out as she ran down the hall, her hair flying in all directions.

"I'll find you," she yelled back, disappearing around the corner.

"Fuck, let's go," Blaire said, all but dragging me out of the room. We broke out into a sprint, heading through the building and out the door. I tried to not to look back. I tried not to think of Eric. 





"We need to move again," Blaire shouted upon entering her apartment. Jacob was calmly drinking coffee and flipping through a magazine with Bullet resting his head on his lap, half asleep.

"What?? No, I just finished decorating this one," he whined, throwing his magazine on the couch and startling Bullet.

"Blaire, we're safe here. Sanaara got rid of that laptop," I reassured her, catching my breath.

"Yeah, well, we don't actually know her. She might not be trustworthy. Who knows if she even took the chip out of Eric. She might have just had the chip all along and then gave it to us," she huffed, grabbing things and beginning to put them in bags.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Jacob stood up, finally realizing we were serious.

"I don't know," I shook my head, feeling completely lost. Blaire sighed and set her bags down. Her look softened and she brought me over to the couch to sit beside her and Jacob. Bullet wiggled off Jacob and ran over to greet me, pressing his cold nose to my hand. I smiled a little more, remembering when Eric first brought him home.

"This has been a crazy year. No one blames you, Charlee. Things are only going to get harder before they improve. But right now, we can't trust anyone," Blaire said holding my hand.

"I know but things were starting to go back to a routine. First we lost R.I.P but we made our own place in that abandoned office crap. It wasn't perfect but we were getting it together. Then I had to leave my home but you guys took me in. Now we have to leave again and- ugh. I don't want to do this anymore," my shoulders shook and I put my head in my hands.

"Charlee, this is what we do. It hurts, but we have to leave," Blaire rubbed circles on my back.

"OK, that's enough of that," Jacob stood up, surprising both of us.

"Jacob!" Blaire chastised him.

"No, listen to me. I know you're going through a hard time but shit is hitting the fan right now. We don't have time for you to break down. Your parents were killed, Eric and Akio disappeared, and now someone tried to kill you. I know you want to cry and just give up but guess what, who ever is behind this is not slowing down because you need five more minutes to cry. You can cry later. You can yell at me later for being an asshole. But right now you need to get it together so we can get the fuck out of here before someone else tries to kill us, ok?" Jacob looked at me expectantly and I nodded my head.

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