Chapter 1 - A surprise meeting

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Published by Sandra Corton

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Design by Marianne Nowicki

Chapter 1 – A surprise meeting

The heats stifling intensity had every pore in my body sweating. I didn't wanted to meet my cousin's fiancée appearing sweaty and dishevelled. Stupid Madison and her ridiculous ideas! I hated that she compelled me into organising every aspect of her life

I cursed under my breath and pulled my bicycle onto the kerb, before locking it against a post, "you take care, Bernard." I told my bike. Yes, my bike has a name and a personality, and no, I'm not crazy.

Staring up at the intimidating skyscraper, I took a deep breath praying I didn't have to use the lift. I continued into the large building, where 'Matheson Inc' highlighted the entranceway in giant letters above the revolving doors.

The redeeming feature of the building had to be the cool air that washed over me when I entered. I stood there, and enjoyed it until I sensed eyes on me. A stern woman sat behind a colossal desk awaiting my approach.

She answered the phone, but her judging eyes never left me, which managed to unnerve me. I stood there discomfited and waited, but made sure to straighten my shoulders and appear confident.

"Yes?" the woman peered over her glasses at me with a haughty attitude.

"I'm the florist."

"For what?"

"I'm meeting Alec Matheson about the flowers for his wedding." I stated.

"They sent you?" her superior gaze had me gritting my teeth, but I forced a nod.

"Yes, they did."

"Take the lift to the top floor. The set of double doors is Mr Matheson's office."

I scurried to the bank of lifts, glad to have escaped the rude woman. That was the moment I realised she said the word lift. I took a deep breath as I pressed the up button. Why hadn't Madison told me about the lifts? She knew all about my fear of confined spaces, so why didn't she at least warn me?

At least this one emptied out, so I could try to stifle my panic attack alone. Nobody needed to see my frantic anxiety over travelling in one of these contraptions. My breathing became erratic as I watched the doors close, trapping me inside this tiny space. I swallowed down the screaming by telling myself that everything was fine, but that provided no comfort.

The door chimed and reopened. Damn, now I would have to pretend that I was normal. I didn't dare glance at the man, but I could smell an intoxicating spicy cologne. The doors shut again, and a whimper escaped my severe control.

I'm sure he looked at me, but I refused to acknowledge his existence. I tightened my hands into fists and prayed for this to be over before I embarrassed myself.

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