Chapter Twenty Eight ~ To Be 100% honest, You're A Bitch Pt.2

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Guess who's back, back again, Jo is back, tell a friend. :0

So I've been gone for a hell of a long time, but once again, I am back and more happy than ever! Expect more updates in the future! Alright, now to the story.


   The car ride was silent, and uncomfortable as my hands were bound behind my back with wire just in case I were to do anything.
It's not like I would be crazy enough to jump out of a moving car to get away from these idiots, would I?  Eh, let's be honest here, most likely yes.

   Anywho, I wondered what Jordan was thinking about, as he was awful quiet. Until we were quite close to the store, which made me flinch once he began to speak.

"And how exactly did you end up here, eh..?" He said, calmly.

   I scoffed. "I don't know... You were the first I met..." I mumbled, now quite grumpy as my hands began to hurt.

    "Hey, I saved your ass back there, watch the tone." Jordan hissed gently as he pulled up to a small grocery store. "You'll come in with me, and if you are good, you will get a treat. Just one. But if you yell out, or act in a manor which will set someone off, I will have to kill somebody, and you will have no snack." He informed me.

  Yeesh... Why do ya gotta kill someone...

But I do want some food.. Inner me ponders.

   "Mmh." Is the only sound which comes from my mouth as I am assisted out of the car, my hands still bound. Which makes me wonder if he will take them off...

   Guess not, as we walk into the grocery store. He keeps me close, his arm around my waist and his body close to mine. I feel uncomfortable..

  The store clerk gives a quick nod and returns to sorting the cash, as other people wonder around the small store. I could have a chance, a chance to escape, but that would cost the life of all of these people who most likely have families who will miss them terribly, so, out of the goodness of my heart... I stay quiet.

Jordan guides me to the cereal isle and points to the frosted flakes box on the top shelf.

  "Well? What are you waiting for?" I ask him, wondering why he had not grabbed the box.

  "I want you to grab them for me." He said with a gentle tone.

  Was he stupid? How could I grab the stupid box if it was all the way on the top shelf, with my hands bound behind my back??

I just gave him a strange look and made a motion towards my hands, which he shrugged to.

  "Figure it out." He whispered to me as he pushed me forward. I stumbled a few steps and glared at him, before looking over and staring at the box.

I let out a gentle sigh before looking around to see if there was anyone who could help, like staff members or something like that. I soon saw a small woman who I walked up to, and asked her if she could help.

  "Yes darlin, let me just get Will, he's a tall boy who can help." She said with a southern accent and a sweet Georgian smile. She mumbled a few words into a walkie talkie and smiled once more at me before pointing over to a tall male who was making his way over.

Woah... Inner me gasped as I watched him. He was around 6"2 or 6"4, with jet black hair which curled at the ends, and a semi-dark skin tone to match the hazel and bright green in his eyes.

   He spoke quickly to the lady in Spanish and she pointed to me, and he gave me a smile, showing adorable dimples in the sides of his cheeks.

"Hola, M'lady, how may I assist you?" He asked with his sweet Spanish accent, which made my cheeks warm up.

  What!? I have a thing for Spanish boys!

"Uh- y-yes please.. Can you reach the f-frosted flakes for me?" I asked with what I'm guessing was a bit of a squeaky tone.

  The male made a hardy laugh and nodded, putting his arm around me and kissing the temple of my head.

  "Relax, beautiful. Yes I will help." He said and smiled at me, and I returned the smile.

Until I saw the deadliest glare from Jordan.


   Alright guys, there you have it! I'll be posting right away after this one so don't you worry!

   Also, yes, Will is now my favourite character to right about. :3

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