chapter 27: recovery part 2

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This chapter is going to be short because the next one is going to be pretty spicy! Enjoy.
After finishing the dishes, I lingered in the kitchen for several minutes. My brain couldn't process what had just happened and my heart was pounding like crazy. What was this feeling, I've only felt it once before? There was a hot feeling in my stomach, is this what becoming a woman involves? After pouring myself a cup of green tea, I took a few deep breaths and walked through the kitchen door into the living room. Neji was sitting on my couch with both arms stretched on top of it, watching T.V. Okay, Kiki just calm down and sit on the other couch, as far away from him as possible. Sasuke, just think about Sasuke.

"Kiki-chan, are you going to stand in the doorway all day or come join me?" his words caused me to jump a little. I walked into the living room, I took a detour to the closet near the door to grab a colorful wool cardigan and sat cross legged on the opposite couch. I sipped my hot tea and looked at the T.V. occasionally glancing at Neji. Uncomfortable in this position I leaned on the arm of the couch and propped my knees up, and continued to watch the show. For several minutes there was silence and I rather enjoyed it, thinking it a good idea, i grabbed a Siadan scroll from the shelf and reassumed my position. Hell, if He was going to grant me peace I may as well study. After several hour or so I could feel him studying me and I stopped mimicking the hand signs written about in my scroll. "Can I help you with something Neji-kun?" I asked as my face began growing hot and red. He moved to the end of his couch closet to me and my face got redder. "Those hand signs, I've never seen such a combination. What exactly are you learning?" he looked over my shoulder and couldn't understand a lick of it.

"It's a Siadan jutsu, that's why you haven't seen it before. Every secret of my clan is in this room, hiden in our language. No one outside the clan can learn it because only the Tengokugan posses such a talent for all languages. Why do you think the Hyuga and Uchiha disliked us for so long? You've witnessed first hand just what the Tengokugan can do. I'm the last so I have to learn as much as possible." every time I remind myself of my loneliness I feel a pain deeper than any other wound I'd ever experienced and I'm sure my face showed it. "Kiki-chan, why were you crying before I got here?" his question caused me to look at him wide eyed but i relaxed when I saw how genuinely concerned he looked.

"Something very bad happened to me and Sasuke hasn't been to see me since the day it began.. He looked at me in total fear.. And I've been out of the public for almost two weeks and Naruto and Sakura have come to care for me a few times but not once has he.. To be honest, he's been distancing himself from me for a while. The last time he's shown me any affection was the day we all went to the bathhouse. Perhaps he doesn't find me attractive anymore... I don't know.. Maybe I just need spiritual intervention. I need to pray.. But when I try I feel so weak.. They all expect so much from me.."

I began to cry and he pulled me from my couch and on to his lap, taking me by surprise. He gently pulled my head to his chest. My tears started to slow as i listened to the rythem of his heart. I glanced up at him and our eyes met, my cheeks began to heat up and I couldn't pull my eyes away. There was a crack of thunder, followed by lightning and I began to shake and I buried my face into his chest again. He held me tighter and stroked my hair, "It's okay, the forecast called for rain around eight o'clock. Wait.. Kiki-chan, does thunder scare you?" before I could even answer, another clap of thunder startled me. I was clinging to him tightly and knocked him onto his back on the couch. I tried jumping away but he wrapped his arms around me and flipped our positions. This was going to be intense..

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