Apologies And Proposals

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I know I haven't taken the time
To tell you that you're beautiful
And it's nobody's fault but mine
I hurt the one I love the most
And you're the one I love the most
I should've put away my phone

I know, I know,
I know that you deserve better
You can't dance to the beat
Of a heart that's broken
And you can't do this alone

So from this day on
I won't let you down
I'm gon' right my wrongs
I'm gon' make you proud
'Cause I've made my mistakes
Probably more than I can count
So from this day on
I won't let you down

Won't let you down, won't let you down

So instead of making an excuse
I'mma make it up to you
I'mma get myself together
I'll do what I gotta do
Anything I gotta do
Make sure to take care of you

'Cause I know, I know,
I know that you deserve better
You can't dance to the beat
Of a heart that's broken
And you can't do this alone

So from this day on
I won't let you down
I'm gon' right my wrongs
I'm gon' make you proud
'Cause I've made my mistakes
Probably more than I can count
So from this day on
I won't let you down

Won't let you down, won't let you down

Let you down, I won't let you down (2x)
You can't dance to the beat
Of a heart that's broken
And you can't do this alone

So from this day on
I won't let you down
I'm gon' right my wrongs
I'm gon' make you proud
'Cause I've made my mistakes
Probably more than I can count
So from this day on
I won't let you down

Won't let you down, won't let you down

Won't let you down, won't let you down

Let you down, I won't let you down (4x)

Your POV
Once I finished everyone clapped and cheered. I saw Gumball leave and head around to go up the steps to the stage. I got a mic and handed it to him as he went up. We were up on stage in front of all my fans. Now to activate plan.

"So... Apology accepted?" I asked offering a hug to him.

"Apology accepted." He said and hugged me back. The crowd "awwed" and I kept ahold of his left hand.

"Thank you, I'm so sorry about earlier."

"It was my fault, I over reacted. I should've listened to you. I knew you wouldn't just give me up like that."

"So I'm forgiven?"


"Well, that makes this a lot easier to do."

"Do what-?" He said as I got down on one knee and got the magenta pink box out of my pocket. The crowd went wild. It was absolutely chaos. I was still holding his left hand. PG had the biggest smile on his face and I smiled out of love.

"Prince Gumball, ever since my first concert here when I was fourteen I knew that we had something special. The way we just clicked the first time we met was the second I knew we would have a strong bond. Frankly, I didn't know that it would blossom into love-" the crowd laughed and he laughed too, "-but in hindsight I'm glad it did. There's no better man I'd want to spend the rest of my life with other than you. So Prince Bubba Gumball of the Candy Kingdom, will you marry me?" The whole crowd was on the edge of their seats and I was holding my breath. He brought the microphone up to his lips.

"You do know we're only teenagers, right? And that the male role in the relationship is supposed to propose." He said as the crowd laughed again. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"Yeah, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try." I said smiling. He crouched down to my level and smiled his confident grin.

"Yes, I will marry you, Y/N." After those six perfect words everyone cheered. They all stood up and gave us a standing ovation. He lifted me to my feet and kissed me. It was a passionate yet delicate feel. We broke apart and gazed into each other's eyes.

"Here", I gave him the ring and put it on his ring finger, "Now you have proof that this moment is real. And now I have no more stress over whether or not I've lost it." The crowd laughed again cheered some more. Next thing I knew Fionna, Cake, Marshall and the band had us in a giant hug.

"Let us see the ring!" Fionna squealed. PG let them look at it and their eyes went wide. Couldn't blame them the ring I gave him was beautiful. It was a rose quartz color but had the strength of iron.

"Where did you find this?" Marshall asked with wide eyes.

"I had a blacksmith at the Fire Kingdom make it. Pretty, huh?"

"Yeah." Marshall said impressed. I turned to face the crowd to tell them details about the future wedding but Gumball beat me too it.

"Wedding details are uncertain, obviously, but I'm sure it will be soon in the near future." He said. I waved to the crowd and he did too.

"Thanks for coming! And I'll see you guys at the wedding!" I screamed excitedly.

Once everyone walked backstage they all were pounding us with questions. PG silenced them with his hand. The royal hand.

"Guys, we haven't even begun thinking of themes for the wedding or even the date. Come back in two weeks and we might have an answer."

"Two weeks?" Raph asked questioningly.

"Why not sooner?" Cake asked after Raph.

"Because, Y/N still have a work schedule we need to keep. And with the addition of plans it's going to take a while to fit everything in." He said calmly. I always loved it when he under reacted to things. It made him sound sarcastic even though he wasn't and it drove people nuts. All except me.

"I guess you're right." Fionna said adjusting the straps of her backpack. "We better get going anyway, it's getting late." Fionna, Cake, and Marshall said goodbye and congratulated us. The band went to go help take down the equipment. That left me and Gumball in the hallway.

"What made you want to propose?" He asked taking my hand.

"Well, I've been waiting eight months for it to happen so after that I took matters into my own hands." I said intertwining our fingers and kissing him on the cheek. "Someone had to take dominance."

"You want to know the one thing I can take dominance on?" He said smirking. He didn't. Did he? Did he just offer...? No way. There is no way my sweet, precious, gentlemanly Gumball just said that.

"What?" I asked dumbly. He wrapped his hands around my hips and I put my arms around his neck.

"You'll see." And with that he kissed me quickly on the lips and darted down the hall. I stood there shocked and a little upset.

"Get your ass back here, Gumwad!" I said chasing after him.

This was going to be a long relationship.

The Sound Of Love (Marshall Lee × Reader × Prince Gumball) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now