Mutual Affection

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Marshall's POV
Fionna, Cake, Gumball, and I were in the waiting room, again. We've been there so long it might as well be ours. Fionna's head was in her hands while Cake leaned on her shoulder and rubbed her back. Gumball paced around and beat himself up verbally. Mumbling "what he could have done" and "what he let happen". I floated over to him gripping his shoulders lightly and resting my feet on the ground. He looked up at me sighed.

"Bubbs, I know it's tough when someone you care about gets hurt. I should know, I've lived the longest-" He shook out of my grip cutting me off.

"Marshall, please. Don't make yourself sad bringing up old memories of your past."

"No, Gumball it's okay. I want to relate to you. It feels good being able to talk to you about this." I said sitting him down in a chair. I sat criss-cross in the air in front of him and smiled. He gave a sad smile and sighed once more.

"I don't just care about her, Marshall. I get this feeling every time I see her. The way she lights up a room with her laugh. Her beautiful e/c and h/c hair. And her singing. Oh my glob, Marshall, I could listen to hear astounding voice for days on end..."

I zoned out after that. It hurt so much to hear him say those things about her. I couldn't help but feel jealous. I liked her too and I was just listening to him blab on about his feelings for Y/N. I finally snapped out of my thoughts when he said: "I love her."

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't support him on this. Not this time. If I did and then asked her to be mine, he would think I betrayed him. It took all of my strength to not burst out into a hissy fit.

"I-", I was cut off by the door creaking open and Doctor Prince came in from behind the door that leads to the hallway. He walked up to us and smiled brightly.

"The surgery was a complete sucess. We were able to fill the muscle in and get it stitched up in a few hours. No complications at all. She's resting at the moment, but you can come and see her. Just be quiet."

He walked back to the door and we were all on his heels. He led us down a door labeled: Surgery Recovery Room. He opened the door slowly and there she was. Laying there with the heart monitor beeping. She looked so peaceful. Gumball and I raced over to her bed watched her breathing. Relief was in his eyes and jealousy in mine. He reached out and touched her cheek.

"You're okay now, Y/N. You're alright." He spoke softly to her unconscious body.

I saw Fionna go up to DP and kiss him on the cheek and thank him. DP blushed and rubbed the spot where she had kissed him. Cake whispered something to Fionna and they said goodbye to us and left. Guess they had a mission or something from another kingdom. Fi could use the distraction from this mess. Doctor Prince left the room so we could be alone with her.

"Hey, Gumball." I said and he looked up at me.

"Yes, Marshall." His voice was smooth and calm like a soft current in a river.

"About what you said earlier... About Y/N... I..." I didn't know what to say. Should I confess to him? Would he feel bad if I took Y/N away from him? Only one way to find out.

"I like her, too." He stared at me in a mix of shock and suprise.

"Y-You do?" He asked a little sad. What else would you do when you've just been emotionally torn by your best friend.


"Marshall, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's not like you can deny your feelings. I don't want you to. And don't tell me you don't because you just confessed to me everything you felt about her." The sad look on his face grew to a more concerned one.

"Yeah, I do like her too..." He trailed off. We just stood there staring down at Y/N awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Finally he spoke up.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I thought a moment.

I looked over at Gumball. I saw the way he looked at Y/N. With love and compassion. He truly cared for her and if I took her away from him it would crush him. Sure, I liked her but he loves her. I never really had that strong of feelings for her. She was just a little crush I guess. Besides, I want Bubbs to be happy and he knows that. I looked back at Y/N.

And she deserves someone like him.

The Sound Of Love (Marshall Lee × Reader × Prince Gumball) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now