Time Skip A Few Months

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Your POV
It's been eight months since I'd started dating Prince Gumball and he isn't doing anything to advance this relationship. So I did the only thing I could do and I bought a ring. A wedding ring. I'm going to propose to Gumball on my next concert. That's right, FULL BLOWN FEMINIST UP IN HERE! What else was I supposed to do? Wait for him? Well, I did wait and he missed his opportunity so I took mine.

I was walking the normal path I go through to get to the Candy Kingdom, when I felt that same damn wind I felt all those months ago. And then lo and behold, Ice Queen came flying in. I immediately got in a fighting stance. Marshall had offered to teach me self defense and I learned a lot.

"Look at you, trying act all tough", she said grinning evilly.

"You'd be suprised." I said. I'd learned from my mistakes before and I took no hesitation and immediately activated the tracker. I was going to make sure I kept it.

"Really? Let me see what you've got." And with that we were off.

Ice was being flung in all directions. I was able to get a few punches in and this went on for a while. She had me in a head lock until I heard a low shriek and Ice Queen had been kicked off of me. I gasped for air and someone wrapped their arms around me. I looked up to see Marshall. Guess he got the signal.

"You okay?" He said worriedly. I nodded my head and he helped me up. Ice Queen had a busted lip and a bleeding arm and yet I was fine. For the most part.

"Oh, I see you brought a friend. That's fine by me!" She screeched. I thought we had a chance until she froze our hands. That was the most anti-climatic capture, I thought to myself. She hoisted us in her arms and flew to the Ice Kingdom.

-------Time Skip to the Ice Cell--------

She threw us in a square cell and locked the door. Marshall quickly got up and ran to the door, clutching the bars.

"Simone, what do you want with us?" He said gritting his teeth. I leaned up against the wall and hugged myself. It was cold and all I had on was pair of jean shorts and a tank top. I watched their conversation play out.

"Oh! Well, you see I wasn't really expecting you to show up. Y/N was my main target and you messed up my plans." She said sighing dramatically.

"I can see that. What I meant is what do you want with Y/N." He said rolling his eyes.

"I want her to stay away from my prince! He deserves someone better than that terrible excuse of a royal." She said pointing to me. Marshall looked over at me and went wide-eyed. He rushed over and hugged me. I shivered and snuggled closer to him.

"You need to learn and accept things. Bubbs loves Y/N and Y/N love Bubbs. There's nothing you can do to change their choices or their opinions." He said holding me closer.

"Maybe your right... At the same time you could be wrong! It won't be long until she freezes to death and when she does... Gumball will be mine. Mine!" She screamed and cackled evilly.

She left us in the cold and my teeth were chattering like crazy. If Marshall feels warmer than you do, there's definitely a problem. He held me closer and wrapped his flannel shirt around me. I closed my eyes until I felt Marshall's deep voice against my cheek.

"Y/N, you've got to stay awake. It's the only way to keep your blood flowing." He softly. He was right, if I wanted to stay alive I had to stay awake.

"I-is there anything else w-we can d-do?" I asked teeth chattering harder than ever. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

"There is one thing..." He said opening his eyes and looking sad.

"W-what?" I said looking up at him.

"We... Would have to kiss... Really Aggressively..." He said looking away embarrassed. "It's the only way."

"Fine." I said moving into a straddling position.

He hesitantly placed his hands on my hips and I put my cold fingers on his cheeks. His back was against the wall and his shirt was still around my shoulders. We leaned in and our lips connected. He made no hesitation of taking dominance as he licked my bottom lip. I opened and his tongue explored my mouth. He pushed our bodies together and I entangled my fingers through his hair, making him shiver. I could feel my heart beat picking up and my tempurature rising. It was getting really intense until I heard a voice.

"Y/N? Marshall?" We turned around to find a wide eyed Gumball. He looked so hurt and heartbroken. I jumped off Marshall and he went flying to the bars. I wrapped Marshall's shirt around me tighter as he talked with Gumball.

"Oh my glob, Gumball. You got to get us out of here." Marshall begged.

"Why? So you can rub in my face that you stole my girlfriend?" He said harshly.

"No! It's freezing in here I was trying to keep her from getting sick!" He said pointing to me, "Please, if you want to leave me in here then leave me. Just save Y/N." Gumball sighed and took out a lock pick.

"Just so you know, I'm doing this for her." PG busted the lock and rushed to my side. He yanked Marshall's shirt off of me and took out a blanket from the health pack he had. He wrapped it around my shoulders and picked me up.

Marshall and Gumball ran out of the cell and into the battle field. Fionna was down on the ground trying to push Ice Queen off of her with her sword. Cake was frozen in an ice cube with an angry look on her face. I closed my eyes from exhaustion and coldness. The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Ice Queen's helpless scream as she fell into the snow below.


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