Kisses And Kidnaps

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Your POV
He cares for me...

Those words kept racing through my mind while we just stared into each other's eyes. His eyes looking to find an answer. If mine were even willing to comply.

"You do?" I asked. Those were the only words I could think of at the time. He gave a little smirk.

"Yeah, I do. I would do anything for you and not just because you're queen and all." He said chuckling.

I laughed too at the thought of all the princes and people always flattering and complimenting me whether it be from my astronomical singing or my "queenly beauty" as some have said.

"But seriously, you should know I would do anything for you. Even if it meant making sacrifices." He said taking a hold of my hands with a faint smile. He kissed my forehead and let go of my hands. I blused profusely and took my gaze towards the window. And with that we stared out the window for the whole night.

---------Time Skip to Morning---------

The next morning I woke up on Marshall's shoulder. He was still wide awake looking at the sunrise with a hoodie twice his size on him to guard himself from the daylight. He looked down at me and smiled. I looked back up at him and smiled back.

"Gumwad's people should be waking up soon. I'll wake you up when it's time." He whispered softly stroking my hair. I nodded and went back to sleep.

--Another Time Skip To After Morning--

After the a chorus of complaints and "goodbyes" I was finally ready to go back home. I packed all of my stuff in my suitcase and rolled my stuff down the grand stairs of the castle. Once I was finally at the bottom of the stairs I was greeted by PG. I've got to hand it to him, he can really rock royal attire.

"Are you all set, your majesty?" He asked. I nodded my head pulling my stuff forwards while he followed.

"And are you sure that you don't need my banana knights to escort you back to your home?" He asked with a little bit of worry.

He always wants to make sure I'll get home safe so he'll offer a million ways to make sure I get home safe and sound. He cares about my safety. How sweet.

"I'm positive, Gumball. Besides, if I run into trouble I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. I've gone through waves of fans without any roadies before" I said self-pride in my voice. "And no offense but your banana knights aren't always that protective when it comes defense" I added whispering. He nodded in agreement.

"Yes, they're not the best, but they will get the job done if required." PG said matter of factly. He had a point but I was pretty sure I was fine.

"It's okay. I'll be fine." I said and with that I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed a dark pink, almost a magenta like color. I left through the castle gates and turned around to wave "good bye" to see Gumball holding the spot where I kissed him. He waved smiling like a goofball and I returned it heading back home.

---Yet Another Time Skip To the Woods--

I was walking through the normal woods I go through to get to my house with my luggage and all. I could faintly see the out-line of Fionna's treehouse in the distance. I thought about all the times I had shared with her and Cake. All of the movie nights and sleepovers. All of the moments and memories.

I was brought out my reverie when I heard a twig snap. I turned to look around but saw nothing. I shook it off as some kind of animal until a cold chill ran through the air. I shivered a little but thought nothing of it. Just an afternoon breeze, I thought to myself.

I was about to continue walking when a ray of ice flew past my face. It struck a tree in front of me and out from behind me came the always pleasant: Ice Queen.

"What do you want Ice Queen?" I said dropping my stuff and reaching into my jeans pocket.

During the meetings, Prince Gumball came up with a plan for a distress signal for Marshall Lee and I. He gave us tracking pins incase one of us gets ourselves in a jiffy since we couldn't really count on neighboring kingdoms because we lived in normal people houses and not palaces. I clutched the small device, preparing for the worst.

"I want you to stay out of the Candy Kingdom messing with my precious piece of gum. I swear you're a bad influence on him." She said clenching her teeth in rage. By now I had dropped my stuff getting in a fighting stance. I wasn't good at weapons, but I was boss at hand-to-hand.

"How so Ice Bitch?" I said smirking. It enraged her even more and I could see the magic forming in her hands.

"I see the way he looks at you. How he could be having the worst of days, and the meer thought of you makes him smile." She said starting to float off the ground. This was about to get real bad.

"So what if he likes me?" I said glaring daggers at her. "He never liked you anyways."

She didn't hesitate to start flinging ice at me. I dodged most of it with an occasional spark shooting on my arms. I pulled out the tracking pin and pushed the button for it to start working. It immediately started flashing red, meaning it had activated.

As I was busy with the tracker I failed to notice Ice Queen charge me and shoot a fairly large icicle into my left shoulder. I cried out in pain and shock. I clutched my shoulder and she used this to her advantage. She formed ice cuffs and placed them around my hands. My vision was starting to blur from blood loss. The last thought that crossed my mind was:

I dropped the damn tracker!

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