Break all the Rules 16

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Part 16

University had spoilt Alex.

Now he was an adult with a real job, Alex was learning that nine to five jobs weren't exactly as they were advertised. He was leaving his flat at seven in the morning and, being one of the new guys, he couldn't be the first to leave the office. It meant, some days, he barely had time to eat and shower before he slept. It was long, tiring days.

So he tried to do fun things at the weekends, if only to motivate him through the work week.

"Madame Clarissa's Clairvoyance and Casting." Alex whistled low, looking from the sign to the grand double doors leading inside. "Now there's a place I never thought I'd get an invitation to. Huh, I guess there's perks to being friends with you two, after all."

Sean rolled his eyes, shoving at him, "I can still uninvite you."

"No, you can't, you need me."

For all Alex's teasing tone, they both knew it was true.

Madame Clarissa specialised in soulmate readings, not that she ever advertised it. She didn't have to. She was the best at what she did and her services were so in demand she had a waiting list a mile long, and that was only for those who could afford her. If the articles were believed, she could quite happily quit the business today and still live well for the rest of her life.

Whether that was true or not, Alex knew she didn't take on many clients.

So, when she'd issued her very public invitation to Sean and Freddie through a chat show, the PR guys had insisted it was a great way to demonstrate how tolerant they were. Alex had been allowed to tag along because he was already a familiar face to the cameras and, of the three of them, he loved the idea of psychics the most. When they'd been talking to the presenter, Johnathan, it'd been Alex carrying the conversation.

"Come on," Alex said, starting up the steps, "we can't keep the Madame waiting."

Sean didn't do anything as obvious as sighing but Alex knew he would've if the camera crew hadn't been following them. Sean had never believed in psychics, thinking they preyed on the weak and foolish, and Freddie had also expressed his doubt conservatively. But Alex had always been fascinated by the stories and how so many cultures were all enchanted by the same thing.

The inside of the building was open and light, a reception desk in the middle of the foyer and a few seats and tables for people waiting. Soft music played in the background and, too faint to be assaulting, Alex could smell incense wafting through. It was professional, the kind of look Madame Clarissa had to have because of her clientele, but it was at odds with every other psychic he'd been to.

They let Johnathan talk to the receptionist and confirm their appointment while the camera operator took panning shots of the foyer.

"You'd think," Sean said quietly, "that she wouldn't need a receptionist if she was psychic."

Freddie laughed. "True but it wouldn't quite be a reception if there wasn't a receptionist. It'd send the wrong impression."

"Well, I think having one sends out the wrong impression. I'd be a lot more impressed if she used her powers to know who was coming."

Alex rolled his eyes, "Why can't you just believe in magic, you muggle?"

"It's not magic." Sean said staunchly.

"It kind of is. I mean, we've got soulmarks which magically appear at the age of thirteen and you can believe in them but you can't believe in psychics who specialise in interpreting them? Seems kind of messed up to me."

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