Break All the Rules 4

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Part 4

Something changed after that.

Alex wasn't quite sure what it was but there was a definite shift in his relationship with Freddie. A big part of it was down to Freddie himself and his new and improved attitude towards Alex which, while not overly warm and friendly, was a marked difference from before. There was no longer the need to be on top, to constantly fight and have the upper hand, and the removal of that pressure made things a lot easier.

And then there was their agreement.

They'd promised each other they wouldn't tell anyone about their soulmarks and Alex saw the logic in it, he did, but he also wished it wasn't that way. He wanted his soulmate, had romanticised the idea in his head since he was young, and even this messed up situation with Freddie and Sean hadn't stopped him from hoping. Now, though, the small flicker of hope had been extinguished when Freddie had effectively shut the door on them.

Alex would be lying if he said he was happy about it. He wasn't. But he appreciated the honesty that Freddie had afforded him and at least he wasn't being strung along with the possibility of a soulmate relationship that wasn't going to happen.

So he put on his big boy pants and stopped with the stupid, useless longing for something he couldn't have. Their interactions were no longer tinged with wistfulness from Alex's side and things between them were better than ever. That didn't mean he'd ever love the sight of Sean and Freddie together and kissing when he came in from a long day on campus, though.

"Hey," Alex drawled, a gentle interruption, "no PDA in the corridors, huh?"

"Yeah," Jessica stepped into the flat behind him, taking in the scene, "it's hot, but this is a communal area."

They broke apart, Sean having the decency to look sheepish while Freddie just looked proud of himself.

"Sorry," Sean said, "we weren't expecting you so early."

The walk from campus to their halls took ten to fifteen minutes on average but Alex had managed to make it down in six once, when he'd been late for one of his lectures. Still, that wasn't the point he was meant to be making.

"It's fine, it just surprised us," he said. "It's actually a good thing I've got you both here, I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh?" Freddie asked, leaning forward in interest.

"We've got a lax fundraiser," he said, reaching into his bag to hand them flyers, "which is happening on Thursday. It'd be good if you guys could come."

"What's lax?" Freddie asked.

"It's short for lacrosse. We get some funding from the students union but it's not enough for all three of our teams, men's, women's and mixed, so we need to make our own money. This should help us with transport to away games."

Sean was frowning down at the date on the flyer, "I don't think I can make this. I've got a really important presentation the morning after."

"So do it hungover!"

Sean laughed, "Yeah, no."

"What about you, Freddie?" Jessica asked.

He seemed surprised by the question, "I'm invited?"

"Well, yeah, we handed you the flier."

"Oh," he said, and then explained, "I thought I was just Sean's plus one, I didn't know the invitation extended to me without Sean."

"Come." Alex said. "We want as many people there as possible and it should be a fun night all round."

"Okay," he said, looking down at the flier with more interest, "I'll see if I'm free."

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