Break All the Rules 8

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Part 8

It felt like the weeks passed by too fast and, all of a sudden, lectures were over and they were all packed into the library studying for their end of year exams. Alex was working hard, because he had to, but he also made time for fun things like movie nights with Jessica and Megan and the odd night out when they got a bit too stressed.

Sean would've joined them but he was busy with his own stuff and the pro-choice movement. The past months had seen him writing for the university paper, a few articles picked up nationally, and he'd set up a blog that was fast achieving followers. Things were getting serious and, since he didn't have exams but coursework, he could still write and travel and campaign.

"So where are you going today?" Alex asked, leaning against Sean's door as he watched him check his bag for the last time.

"Leeds, there's a conference there."

"Didn't you go to a conference three weeks ago?"

Megan rolled her eyes, "There can be more than one conference in the world, Alex."

"I know! I'm just saying, how many conferences can you go to when it's essentially the same speakers and talks?"

Sean laughed. "A million, maybe. It's a completely different audience and there are local speakers, too, so it changes things. Besides, if I can just get through to one person, it's worth it."

"You think so?"

"Yeah," he zipped up his holdall, lifting it up and making his way out of his room and past the both of them, "I get so many positive comments on my blog from kids with blank wrists. I'd endure all the uncomfortable train journeys and waiting times for that."

"That's a solid reason." Megan agreed.

Alex couldn't deny it, either.

"You know," Sean said, "you don't have to see me off, not when you have exams."

"It's fine," Megan brushed him off, "we're heading down to campus anyway. And you deserve some kind of fanfare."

The walk down was slow and filled with inane conversation. They talked about Freddie, because of course he came up with Sean, and how he'd been absolutely swamped with group study and med stuff. But then there was the weather and food and, somehow, they digressed onto talking squirrels which had them all laughing.

"I'll miss you." Megan said, as they reached the coach departures point.

"Yeah, the flat will be quiet without you." Alex said.

"It's only for the weekend, I'll be back before you know it." He shrugged off his holdall, "And you'll be too busy revising anyway."

That was the truth. Alex was massively unprepared for his quant modelling exam and he spent far too many hours reading the slides only to have the words swim in front of his eyes. He was never sure if it was a good or bad thing that everyone else was just as confused as him. Towards the end of a long day, he was leaning towards bad. At least if someone understood, they could help. And then he wouldn't be wasting his Friday evening on this.

He groaned, leaning back in his chair and bringing his hand to his head. "I'm going to fail, and my parents will kill me."

As if by magic, his phone started vibrating on the table and he stared at it for a second, wondering if it was really his mum. On the off chance it was, he snatched it up and answered.


"Hey," it was Freddie's voice. "Can you come over?"

It was odd for Freddie to ask, rather than demand, but it made sense given how stressed everyone was with exams. Some people could relax with sex but Alex was not one of them and he wasn't going to do something he didn't enjoy.

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