Break All the Rules 7

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Part 7

The first time Freddie came into Alex's room, he'd balked at the mess. It wasn't awful but he'd come over at a bad time, after Alex had gone out for three straight nights, and there were clothes and shoes and all of his notes scattered around the room. There might've been a few takeaway containers, too, and the end result wasn't pretty.

After a month and some tidying, though, Freddie had gotten used to it, like all the others in his flat had. They had to since he was the one with the biggest monitor and loudest speakers which were essential for movie night.

"Where's the popcorn?" Jessica asked, reaching over Megan. "Did you get the caramel one?"

Freddie wrinkled his nose, "Yeah, no, the only kind of popcorn I'll buy is salted."

She turned to Sean, begging, "Please teach your boyfriend about the wonder that is sweet popcorn."

He laughed, "Alex has probably got a pack in his snack drawer anyway, he's got a sweet tooth a mile wide."

They all turned to look expectantly at him.

He sighed, "Okay, but don't judge me."

"Why would we..." Megan began but she stopped. "Is that a snack cupboard?"

Alex laughed nervously, shutting the cupboard door again, "I'm really not responsible enough to be put in charge of a budget."

"There's no judgement from me!" Jessica said, happily holding her popcorn. "I'm happy if you supply me with snacks."

"You're an enabler." Megan said.

Jessica shrugged, still grinning. "Come on, sit down, I want to watch the movie."

"What are we watching again?" Sean asked, clearing a space on Alex's bed.

"Enchanted, it's a travesty that Megan and Alex haven't watched it already," Jessica said, before frowning at them, "don't tell me you haven't, either?"

He laughed, "Well, I'm watching it now!"

It was a Disney movie so it was a given Alex would enjoy it. He'd always had a soft spot for the singing and dancing and Disney humour, something Jessica knew. He wasn't sure about the others and he snuck a few peeks at them at the start of the film to try and gauge their reactions but, after a while, he was laughing too much to care.

"I knew you'd like it," Jessica said, grinning, "I told you I didn't oversell it."

"Yeah," he smiled back at her, "you know me."

"It was good," Megan agreed, "but, then, everything Disney touches is gold."

Alex looked across at Sean and Freddie, "Did you like it?"

"Well," Sean started, which basically meant no, "I appreciate the story's written to sell but it's impressionable children and young people who watch these films. And the message is that you should trust in love and happy endings rather than face the reality of life."

"You're Patrick Dempsey's character at the beginning of the film." Jessica stated. "You think the success of a marriage is if you don't get divorced, not factoring in happiness or anything else."

He shrugged, "A little, yeah. Now it's socially acceptable to divorce and marry someone who isn't your soulmate, staying married is a lot harder. So kudos to those who put in the effort, even when it's difficult."

"That's kind of sad."

"It's life. What's sad is there are still some states in America that won't recognise non-soulmate marriages."

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