Sunday Morning 1

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"We met each other on a Sunday morning, both doing our walk of shame" AU

See, the thing is, when Derek first proposed their current arrangement to him, Stiles thought he had weighed up all the pros and cons.

Because sex with Derek was amazing, from the handful of times he'd tried it, and Derek himself was so far out of his league so the opportunity to be fuckbuddies wasn't something he even needed to think about. Sure, maybe Stiles' crush was about to get a whole lot worse a whole lot faster but one did not simply say 'no' to Derek Hale.

Which was how he ends up here, on a Sunday morning, taking the three flights of stairs to get to the ground floor. He's only absent-mindedly paying attention to what his feet are doing since they're stairs and they're hardly going to rear up and attack him but that's exactly what happens. Or, rather, he'd shoved on his canvas shoes far too quickly before he left and he steps on his own shoelace and trips down the rest of the stairs.

And since it's Stiles and he can never be allowed to wallow in his own mortification, he's acutely aware of the fact that he took someone else down with him.

"I'm lucky you're light," the hands on his waist are big and warm, getting his libido far too interested considering last night, "or else someone could've got hurt."

"Shit, I'm sorry, I'm just unnaturally clumsy." He sits up quickly and quickly backs a decent way away, leaning back on his heels, "Are you okay? Like, did you hit your head?"

"Not hard."

And Stiles has never thought of himself as particularly responsible but spending so much time at Scott's house with Melissa has definitely rubbed off on him and he's never been able to capture the same flippancy other students have with their health. He supposes that being the sheriff's son has something to do with it, too, and he'd gradually fallen into the role of the caretaker. So he doesn't hesitate to look the guy over.

"Show me the back of your head, your health is important."

The guy looks surprised, but amused, and ducks his head forward so Stiles can check him.

Stiles, having had practice from far too many childhood accidents and overenthusiastic playdates with Scott, runs his hands through short hair, feeling for bumps before looking more visually, "Holy shit, that's a massive bruise on your neck, what the hell happened there?"

"Not a bruise," he says, grinning sharply.

"What do you mean?"

"Well," he says, fingers moving to tug at Stiles' V-neck, "I think it's similar to how this isn't a bruise, either."

It doesn't take Stiles long to figure out what he's referring to and, when he does, he grins, interested, "Oh, yeah, is there a story behind that?"

"I found an absolute animal last night," he leans back on his palms, letting his shirt ride up and showing off some impressive marks on his hips, "rode me twice and still wanted more."

Stiles, keen not to be beaten, grins, "And I got fucked in the common room so ... "

And he isn't so egotistical to think that the guy wants him because he's got the kind of body that people write sonnets about and Stiles just doesn't but there's something in his eyes, a darkening as they dilate. He leans closer to Stiles like he doesn't knows he's doing it, licking his lips.

"Shit," he swears, voice low, "who was it?"

"I can't tell you that," Stiles says, still smiling, "but maybe you'll see us sometime."

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