Break All the Rules 10

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Part 10

Alex woke up to a "Somebody's been tumbling in my bed, and there he is!" and then Freddie was jumping on top of him and pulling and tugging at the covers, cold hands finding his skin.

"Fuck off, Big Bear!" Alex yelled, slapping him away.

Freddie laughed, sitting back on his heels, "Goldilocks doesn't say that, it's a children's book."

Alex flipped him off, snatching the covers back and tugging them over himself. "I'm going back to sleep. Do not wake me."

"You know this is my bed, right?"


Alex did not mess around when it came to his sleep and it made him grouchy and upset when he didn't get enough. Missing a few hours here and there was fine but a constant loss of sleep wasn't and it was why he'd showed up at Freddie's door one night and just crawled into his bed.

He slept early for a uni student, always before midnight, so he'd been the only one bothered by the noise from the flats surrounding his. He didn't want to be the party pooper for so many other people so Freddie's door, which had always been open for him, was the easy option.

It had really helped and, the next time he woke, it was naturally.

"Hey," he sat up, "what time is it?"

"It's been an hour." Freddie sat back in his chair, spinning around. "Is Sleeping Beauty feeling better now?"

"If you keep it up with those fairytale references, I'm going to punch you."

"But you're giving me so much opportunity!"

"What were you doing?" Alex asked instead, getting out of bed and coming over to the desk.

He showed him a thick book that looked far too dry and boring, "Reading. Some of us don't have the luxury of napping every day."

"You're missing out."


But, even Economics students had to work and, after resting for the past few hours, Alex had to be productive. He took Freddie's laptop, typing in the password and logging into his own blackboard so he could access his module handouts. He hadn't even thought about it until he noticed Freddie giving him the side eye.


"Nothing." And he went back to his book.

They'd been studying together for a week now so they'd tried out a few things and knew what worked and what didn't. The Pomodoro technique of studying for twenty five minutes and relaxing for five was something that Alex could really get behind and it factored in how easily distracted he could be. He wasn't certain but he thought he'd been doing so much better than before.

They were into their third session when a little notification started flashing up on the laptop, accompanied by a ringing noise.

"What is it?" Freddie asked.

"A Skype call," he glanced at the screen, adding, "your father."

"Accept it, then."

He did, grinning when he worked out the video, "Robert, my favourite Penderghast!"

Freddie rolled his eyes, shoving him aside so he could get into view, too. "Dad! Why are you calling?"

"I wanted to check up on my favourite Ku."

Alex beamed.

"I don't know why you call me when you just talk to Alex," Freddie said, with mock offence, "I should just give you his number already."

Break All the Rules (LGBT) ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon