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A/N: What do you think of this book? Too boring? Do I stop?





She turned in her bed, clutching her pillow tightly wishing the noise would simply stop. The noise didn't stop, instead it continued. Rolling the blanket off her, she sat up and grabbed her phone from the desk, still yawning. It was Ten already? Agrh! She wanted to just sleep in today but she had work to be at. Groaning loudly, she managed to pull herself out of bed and into the bathroom.

Yoona placed a tray of Syruped Pancakes on the table with A side dish of fruits. She had gotten up to prepare this quickly before leaving for college. Joan stepped into the Dinning room to see Yoona placing a fork on the tray. She smiled as she approached the younger.

"How's our baby doing today?"

"Unnie~" she whined. "I told you not to call me Baby"

"You aren't the older one, so I'll do whatever I like" yoona huffed. Whatever. She thought, rolling her eyeballs at the older's Show of Authority.

"Thanks for breakfast again yoona. Have you eaten too?" Yoona shook her head. "I'll do that when I get to school, Bye Unnie" and she dashed out of the house before the older could reply. Kim yoona wasn't a real sister to her. She could say they were related somehow but they weren't blood sisters.

Yoona left home when she was fifteen, she didn't like her father and her mother favoured her cousins over her. She had did done everything to impress them but nothing worked and it was annoying for her. So one afternoon, she packed up few clothes and left her house. Joan found her sleeping close to a dumpster and offered her her place to live in. It wasn't that easy to accept someone into the her house but she-

~All the underdogs in the world ~

She unlocked her phone to see Jungkook's name on the screen. She opened his message, dropping her fork.

Free yourself for dinner Joan-issi,
You'll be having it with seven hot guys.

I'll think about it. And its Joan Noona to you maknae.

Whatever rocks your boat ;-)

Gobbling up the pancake, she kept her mind on the speech she was going to give to her boss today on why she hadn't showed up for a whole week at work. She definitely wasn't going to say;

I'm sorry, I was too busy Styling BTS's hair.

They would have her on the next bus going to the nearest asylum. Munching the pancake, she thought; 'How exactly do I make Hoseok fall for me?'



"Get out of my kitchen!"

Seokjin yelled. Namjoon scoffed, staring at the broken plate in Taehyung's hand.

Wasn't He supposed to be the so-called God of destruction? Namjoon thought, taking out some plates and handing it to Jin. Taehyung cleaned up the mess and left the kitchen, plopping himself on the couch.

"What happened? Did you break Jin hyung's Plate?" taehyung nodded. Although he was quite surprised at how His hyung was so quick to guess that. Jimin turned away from Taehyung and back to Jungkook who had his head in his Jimin's lap.

"Someone should go call Hoseok Hyung, Dinner's ready" Namjoon's voice echoed from the Kitchen. No one moved from their spot. They didn't feel like standing up cause they were too tired and lazy. Funny thing was that, they were home all day, doing nothing in particular.

"Jungkook, you're the maknae, go call Hoseok hyung" Yoongi said, changing the channel. Jungkook cussed the pale boy slightly in his head.

Tch! He couldn't wait to grow older. He was tired of his hyungs Ordering him around just cause he was the youngest. If he was going to come back to this life, he would definitely come as someone older, who would be able to torment, his hyungs till he's satisfied.

Hoseok heard faint knocks on the door. He quickly, turned off the laptop and sat up muttering a 'Come In' to whoever it was out there. Jungkook pushed the door open slightly, to see Hoseok busy with his phone.

"Hyung, its Dinner time"

Hoseok looked from his phone to the younger. "Why are we having Dinner so early?" Jungkook shrugged. "Because Joan's coming over"

"Joan? Isn't it meant to be Noona?" Again, the maknae sighed. He really didn't care about this horrifics thingnee. He just wanted to relate with everyone American style. "Anyway, I'm not coming"

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm tired"

"Hyung, you can't do that" Hoseok sent the younger a glare. "and why can't I?"

"She would be disappointed if she doesn't see her bias there" Jungkook teased with Hoseok plainly rolling his eyeballs. "Just go Jungkook"

"I'll tell Hyung, you'll be down soon" he winked playfully, before getting out of Hoseok's room.

Feeling defeated, Hoseok got out of the room and decided to stop by the kitchen to take his pills. He took out the jam container and took out some capsules before returning the container and leaving.

Jungkook had seen Hoseok return the jam container, when he went into the store, to get out more cups. He watched the cupboard. Why would Hoseok eat Jam? Or perhaps was he trying to prank Jimin? Letting Curiosity overwhelm him, he opened the cupboard.


Jin sighed. "Hoseok please get Jungkook, I asked him to go get Cups from the store a while Ago" Hoseok nodded, while the others tried to calm their wailing Stomach down, they had to wait for Joan. She had texted Jungkook, minutes ago, that she would be here soon.

"Jungkook" Hoseok called from outside the kitchen, "what's taking you so long?". "Did the ghost take you away?" he joked, laughing to himself but stopped when he caught sight of Jungkook with the Jam container in his hand and The pills on the kitchen table.


Jungkook raised his head with red teary eyeballs. "Hyung..." he cooed.




Oh Shit.


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Hoseok you are loved by Us all.

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