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"Goodnight Korea!"

They said, bowing with hands entwined with one another's. With Immediate effect, they left the stage and headed for the dressing room.

Namjoon grabbed the bottle of water sited on the table harshly. He consumed the Content, spilling some on his Outfit. Joan was left to wonder if performing for more than two hours would leave one thirsty. She watched Yoongi help the Sleeping maknae out of his shoes and jacket. She had watched the Maknae almost doze off on stage. Jin left the room to go get snacks from the Food stand while Taehyung and Jimin slept on the large L couch in the corner. Everyone had she seen but Jung Hoseok. He didn't enter the Room.

"Ohf!" she exclaimed looking at her watch. "It was time to leave, she had work earlier later that day" It was 2:40am already. "Uhm, Yoongi-issi, I'll be going home now, please tell your manager I left already"

"Why don't you wait? For Jin to get back, so we can drop you off" Yoongi Said, as she shook her head. "No, its fine. I can find my way, thanks" Yoongi watched her sprint out of the room before he would say 'Stop'. There was just something about her that he liked. He just wasn't sure what.

Joan had gotten to the back gate when she was grabbed by her wrist. Scared, she began to yell until the figure covered her mouth. "Please don't shout"

She recognized the voice and let her brain decipher it. "Hoseok Oppa?". Slowly, he let her go and faced her properly. It was dark and she couldn't make out his expression. She didn't know if he was smiling, or frowning or doing the smirk, killers always do when they want to murder their prey.

"Why?" she inquired.

"Nothing, let's have breakfast" Hoseok said as she smiled. Her stomach wasn't rumbling this time, still she nodded, and started the walk first when she noticed Hoseok hadn't moved. "Aren't you forgetting something?" the rapper asked. Confused, she looked around but saw nothing. She shook her head,unsure.

"This.." he held up her right arm and placed it on his left elbow. "..Belongs there". Blushing furiously, she walked with Hoseok, hand in hand.

"I Know I didn't thank you properly for the gift you gave to me last week, so I'm going to treat you"

"Ah, Oppa I didn't give you the gift so you could treat me, I just.."

"Do you like spicy rice cakes?" he asked, changing by he topic. Did she like Spicy rice cakes? She hated them, a lot but now that she was learning to embrace all kind of things, then why not try it.

"No" she said, trying to convince herself too. "No, I like them"

"Okay. Where do you stay? Is your place far from here?"

"Well its not that far, I just take a bus or a cab, so I don't get here late" she explained.

"Why aren't you in school? You are quite young to be working as a stylist. I mean, I still don't know why manager Hyung chose you. We are used to having People way more mature and more experienced than you"

Joan wasn't sure if this was an insult or a compliment but she didn't let it bother her. She simply answered the basic question. "I quit school when I turned Nineteen. Omma wanted me to be a lawyer and I didn't want to be one. I spoke to Aunty about it and she told me to follow my heart, so I quit school..."

Hoseok listened to everything she had said but still, nothing was suspicious about it. He needed to dig deeper. "So you went to a Beauty Academy or.."

"I didn't. When I still lived with my mother, She used to make me Style her for her. She would give me magazines and Fliers and tell me to go learn the techniques and come do it for her. I loved pretending to be a stylist then, because I loved the look Omma wore, each time she was impressed with my style"

Hoseok just listened. He wasn't sure what it was he wanted her to say. He just wanted her to clear all doubts that she wasn't her to cause trouble for them. He knew he promised Yoongi he wouldn't act like this but-, he wanted to be sure. Be sure this girl was Not going to be Catastrophic for them.

"Oh, we are here" Joan said, running into the shop to go order a snack, while Hoseok sat beside a window and looked outside. Joan watched Hoseok with a conflicted heart. Hoseok rarely, almost never spoke with her. Why was he chattery today? Was he finally opening up to her? If he was then why did she feel like his heart was still closed and sealed up.? She studied his expression and sensed discomfort in his face. Why could he possibly be thinking about now?

"Here's your order Ma'm"

"Thanks" she replied, collecting the tray and heading towards Hoseok. He helped her set down the tray.

She picked up the Cake and scanned it for a whole two minutes thinking of how she would eat it. Eating something she didn't like was something she had never tried.

"Open wide" Hoseok sat with A Cake in front of her mouth hole. She obeyed and ate it in one go. She munched on the Cake, letting her tongue do the tasting. It- it wasn't that bad.

"Can you be totally honest with me?" Hoseok said, as she muttered out a small and audible 'yes'. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, confusing her. She picked up the Soda and drank a little from it,thinking about what Hoseok was going to ask. She was going to be completely honest no matter what.

"Am I really your bias?"


Hoseok's not my bias and I'm not saying you should make a bias. No! He just needs to be loved.

He deserves it.

P.s: Q: If Murder was legal who would you murder?

A: Hoseok and Namjoon's Anti-fans.

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