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A/N: This is Pure Fiction.



Go die!

You don't deserve to be in BTS!

You're too ugly! Think your talent will save you?

Stop Bringing down the group with your ugliness.

Not reading anymore. Hoseok decided to shut the laptop and curl himself into a ball. He knew he wasn't supposed to go on their Hate Site but he had to see if he still had so many anti fans. Don't get Jung Hoseok wrong, he was okay with having anti fans.. He just didn't get why they were so many and why they hated his face so much.

Tears began to fall from his face, he just let them fall, not thinking of wiping them. Why would he? He was just expressing his feelings. Hoseok always had trouble with his self-esteem. Even though he hardly showed it, he still had it. He wasn't all that confident. He wasn't always bubbly. Those were just acts. Acts for people who are also out there like him.

He needed to be their hope. He wanted to be there for them, because no one had been there for him.

Burying his head into his laps, he sighed and thought about the pills he had hidden in a jam container on the top left corner in the kitchen cupboard. He knew The members would never open it cause they hated Jam..well, except Jimin but..Jimin had decided to take Namjoon's popular phrase too serious by staying away from the sweet jelly.

So basically,now, Jimin's got No Jams. Another reason would be that Jimin wasn't tall enough to reach the cupboard.

"Hoseok Hyung, we are ready to go!"

Hoseok snapped out of his thoughts and quickly wiped the tears off. It would be embarrassing for his members to see him this way. He jumped off the bed and grabbed his face cap from the Table with his black shades. Doing a 'Hwaiting' to himself. He left the room.

Jimin froze at the sudden skinship of His Hyung. He tried shoving him off but Hoseok held tightly unto him. "Aren't you letting go?"

Hoseok scoffed. "Nope can't do. I'm going to stick to you Jimin Park like a stick of Glue" Jimin groaned as the others laughed as they made their way out of the house. He wasn't Hoseok anymore.

He was now, J-Hope.



She crumbled the piece of paper staring at her boss. Was he kidding her? How could he take her work and just give it to someone else? It just didn't make any sense. She worked hard all month to get that Digest.. Only for it to be given away to someone who was a year her senior? It made no sense.

"Look here Joan, you want your own issue? Then you have to get it for me! That issue belonged to Hajoon. I just asked you to do the work for him"

If only looks could kill. She thought.

"But President, I worked so hard to-"

"Shut it! If you want a work dedicated to you.then get me A Gig. An awesome one, Joan-issi"

This cunny little fox. She wrinkled her eyebrows before nodding. She was going to Do it. She would get him an awesome feed.

"Okay. Let's do this"

The President nodded pulling out a contract which Joan signed without hesitation.

And as she walked out that day, she stared at the billboard in front of her workplace. It had the inscription;

BTS Auditions For new HairStylist.

Auditions? For An hairstylist? Was this possible? Who in their crazy mind would audition for this? Then she looked at the billboard again as her gaze rested on the dark haired boy in the photograph as her lips curved into a thin sly smile.

This was it! A chance to remove him from the group finally. This was it! This was her breakthrough. To get him out of there. Why?

She loved Bangtan so much but, she was an anti-fan of the one they called. Jung Hoseok. Or rather J-Hope.


Pictorial Dedication. Anyone?

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