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Yo its Bradley.
And I'm sorry I haven't really been writing this story.
I have no motivation to continue this.
So this is why I'm discontinuing this story for a couple of reasons.

1) I don't even like Mitch and Jerome. I haven't watched them since last year.

2) I'm super busy with school.

3) What even is this story? I had lots of plans for this but now it's now messy and there's too much to fix.

So I am not going to be writing this anymore.
And for those who wants to know what I planned for this story, I'll share it right now.

Jerome confesses his feelings.

Mitch got scared af and said that they should just be friends.

Later Mitch realizes his feelings for Jerome are more than just 'puppy love'.

They secretly date.

Then the shit head bully Preston outs both Mitch and Jerome.

Some people hated them but others accepted it.

Joe had feelings for Caspar but he sadly got rejected but he moves on.

Dan and Phil were that one relationship where nobody knows if they're dating or not.

At their graduation, Preston's girlfriend comes out as transgender and changed name to 'Rob'.

Preston learned to accept his now boyfriend and stopped being an asshole.

And the end.

Then yeah that's how the story was going to go.
If any of you have any questions about the story or just me, comment down.

But I guess this is goodbye. Well for this book. I will still be here reading my gay fanfiction.

Hope you all enjoyed this book and thanks for the memories :-)

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