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Mitch's POV

"Hey Mitch, can you do me a favor?" Lachlan asks as we're eating our lunch. It's been a few days since what happened with Jerome and I but he's been doing it a bit more, and I'm kind of used to it. He's been eyeing on me during class and I wonder how no one ever noticed the way he looks at me. Or the way I look at him or something like that.

"Yeah what's up?"

"The sky," he casually says as I laugh at his stupid joke.

"Lachlan I'm not stupid."

"But you asked!"

"Okay...I might of did but never mind that. What did you need?"

"Earlier a cute girl asked if I would like serve food for tomorrow's soccer game and I said yes even though I didn't wanted to," Lachlan says.

"Why did you say yes?!" I exclaimed.

"Look she is cute and I can't say no to cute girls!"

"Typical Lachlan," I commented as I sip my juice. "So what's in it for me?"

"She said I could bring someone so.." Lachlan trails off.

"No," I quickly say before he even explained.

"Please Mitch. For me?" He gives me a puppy dog face.

"Fine," I groaned. I'm usually not a helpful person. When it comes to helping people, I'm horrible at it or I embarrass myself. I don't want to relieve those bad memories again. But I will do it this time for Lachlan. Also to avoid my mom nagging at my laziness.

"Thanks Mitch! I owe you some."

(The Next Day)

"Mitch it's time to head out. Stop being a poop and get in the minivan," Lachlan says aloud as he walks to my room.
"How did you get in?" I ask as I get up from my computer desk.

"Never mind that. Now let's go. We need to get there in 15 minutes to meet up with the others."

"The others?"

"Yeah. Steven Suptic (known as Steve or Steven Suckdick) , Jim Chapman, and Tanya Burr are helping as well. Jim and Tanya volunteered but Steve, well he was force to join by his mom. Anyway, enough about him, let's go."
We both walk to his minivan (known as his mother's minivan as well) and pack some coolers and head out to the field next to the school campus. It was a short ride. Like 7 minutes or less but it still feel like we're heading off the state for some reason.

I never knew I would be selling food for a stupid soccer game, I thought to myself as I get off.

"Hey Lachlan you're finally here!" Someone calls out who I assume was Jim. He walks over to us and looks at me.

"Oh and you brought your little boyfriend!" Jim teases. Lachlan laughs and I awkwardly chuckle a bit.

"Nah he ain't my boyfriend. He likes some boy anyway," he replies.

"Shut up." I mutter and blush in embarrassment.

He must be talking about me liking Jerome. Which was a lie because I DO NOT like him. He's just some guy stalking me (well kind of). In the movies and books, person A bumps into person B and then person A gets a crush on B. Then APPARENTLY person B likes person A and they end up dating. People assume these things also happen IRL which I strongly disagree. So nope my life isn't a book or movie. It's more of a messy pile. A messy pile of paper and important documents all scrambled everywhere.

"I hear lies," Lachlan replies as he covers his ears. I chuckle at his weirdness. Jim pats on my back.

"From all this talking I assume you guys are ready?" Jim asks. We both nodded and grabbed the stuff and head to the area. Tanya is there organizing and Steve playing a game on his phone.

"Steve get off that phone and help me!"

"You're acting like my mother. An annoying bitch."

"You're supposed to be helping me!"


"Ugh this is going to be hard." Tanya comments as we got to the area.

"Oh you guys are here! Finally, I've been waiting here with this lazy guy," she says and then Steve finally gets up.
"I got up. I'm not lazy. I just like procrastinating and not do work," Steve says as he grabs a chocolate bar and eats it. Jim turns to us and gave us orders.

"Alright guys that's enough. Now we need to get all the food ready and the coolers set before the game starts. Tanya you set everything. Lachlan, you get the snacks, Mitch you get the drinks and condiments for the hot dogs. And Steve, grill the food. And I will write the prices. Everyone got that? Now let's do this."


Oh hi thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage.

Short chapter bc I don't want you guys waiting and waiting. Also school started so I was super busy and personal stuff and ye.

I feel bad for this chapter being so late. Sometimes I would get a comment telling me to update and then I feel very bad for a while.


QOTC (question of the chapter): do you prefer Alanna or Louise and why?

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