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Mitch's POV

Time skip to December

School. The one place where I used to enjoy as a child but now it's torture. Especially projects and essays are the most stressful thing ever. And when the due date comes it's so stressful to make it perfect for the teacher.
I may be over exaggerating but it's the truth.

I walked into history class as usual and sat down and then I look at the board.

Well fuck me.

"Mitch have you heard? Apparently Mr. Adams is giving us a project. I hope we can choose our partners," Joe exclaimed.

"Partners?!?" I was shocked. I don't do well with partners. Then a girl with brown hair turned around to us.

" Yeah I was talking to Mr. Adams about the future of what we're doing and he said we were going to do a project with partners and no individuals allowed unless he decides," She explained.

"Yeah that's right Zoe. I hope I'm not partners with you," he turns around to his sister.
Then Mr. Adams walked in with a clipboard and pen. He settled down the class and started talking.

"Good Afternoon class. Yes we are doing a project and yes with partners as well. But, I will choose the partners," Everyone groaned and started complaining.

"But sir, what is the project about?" Someone asks.

"Well Mr. Franta, you students will make a model of a famous landmark and an essay on why is it famous, and etc," everyone groaned at the idea of actually making something.

"So here are your new partners. I hope you and you partner will get along. First is, Joseph Sugg and Zoe Sugg-"

"Aw what? I don't want to work with my sister! She's mean to me," Joe complains. Zoe laughs.
"Oh I hope we'll be great partners Joseph!"

"Okay enough. Here are the rest and please don't not complain. Connor Franta and Colleen Ballinger. Harry Malfoy and Dodie Clark. Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Gary Green and Matthew Walker," the list goes on and on until my name was about to be on.

"Mitchell Hughes and Patrick Beardsley. And finally Jerome Aceti and Brendon Sanchez," he finishes and breathes out after a long list of names. I'm really happy for not being Jerome's partner. He's already creeping me out.

"But sir, Patrick in on vacation for a month!" his friend yells. Then Mr. Adams starts thinking for a second.

"Hmm you're right Timothy. There has been a change. Brendon would you do fine without a partner?" he asks him. Brendon then replied with a nod.

"Alright, Mitchell you're with Jerome and Brendon you're with Patrick."

I felt like I was going to throw up. Me with Jerome? I rather be alone than be with Jerome. I pinched myself on my hand to see if I can wake up. That only hurt myself. I guess this is real.

What makes you think this isn't real? If it wasn't real, I wouldn't be here to make your life a living hell.

I shake at the voice. I'm now worrying about them right now. There's a huge problem here. I'm partners with Jerome Aceti. The guy who stares at me and tries to act like he wasn't doing anything.

Well this is going to be quite a journey.

~Time skip to the next day at History~

"Soo.." I awkwardly say to Jerome. It's the next day and I was really anxious coming to history today. I mean, it's Jerome Aceti for heaven's sake. He's one of the most popular kid in school. And he's my fucking history partner for a project.
"What should we build?" I sighed. I already know it's not going to go well.

"Hm? Oh yeah..I don't know, I was hoping you've had ideas. My internet connection wouldn't work last night so I couldn't search up landmarks for the project," He explains. I nodded as I started thinking.

"How about The Statue of Liberty?"

"Nah too basic. How about the Eiffel Tower? I mean after the news about it I think we should build it," he asks.

"Okay. Fine by me," I replied. We both sat in silence for a few minutes, until Jerome finally spoke.
"Do ever wonder what would happen when we all get older. Anybody can be anybody. That guy there can be a famous pop star. Or that guy could be hated so much. Like, anything could happen to anybody. It's strange right?" I looked at him very confused, and maybe also concerned. I shrugged and continue fiddling with my pencil.

I tried my best to ignore him but I can always feel his eyes staring into me. Fortunately the bell ranged for us to go to our next class. Everybody quickly grabbed their backpacks and ran out before Mr. Adams say anything.

"Um Mitch is it?" Jerome asks, "I was just wondering if I can get your number? It's for..um..work purposes. You know, for the project."

"Okay sure I guess," I awkwardly replied as I ripped a small piece of paper and wrote my number. I gave it to Jerome and he thanks me as he walks away. I sighed. This is going to be pretty interesting.

A/N Woohoo it's 2016. Happy late holidays. I was about to upload and write this chapter in December but in winter break I went on vacation and the wifi was so slow at my cousin's house. I had fun there and now I'm going to try at least update a few times a month.
I'm also going to try to update my other story but I have huge writer's block on it so that's why I'm mainly focusing on this story.

(mostly on wattpad I read Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfic-wait what)

QOTD: should I make a journal book about transgender related things? Recently I've been reading these type of books and it seems cool.

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