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Mitch's POV

The game started in a few minutes and these minutes were full of running back and forth for customers since a lot come before the game. The good thing is that we lowered the price so more customers would come in. But more customers mean more work.
We all helped each other as if we were in a reality tv show like Wipeout or Next Great Baker. Full of easy or difficult challenges.

And then finally the game started. Mostly everyone in the crowd was wearing school shirts or school color paint in their faces. It sickened me for some odd reason. Maybe because I wasn't used to it.

So far our school team were winning against the other school which was okay I guess. I'm not a huge fan of sports. I'm more of a video game type of guy. Sometimes I would know stuff about a sport from a virtual video game than what's on TV.

Twenty minutes in the game and I already want to leave. I stopped paying attention and just went on social media. Teenage life is now social media and selfies so if I want to fit in I guess I have to update my status.

Mitch Hughes
@ BajanCanadian
Following 5 Followers 2

I'm not huge on Twitter or any other social media website but I try to update as much as possible to all of my followers. By ALL of my followers I mean two. And by two I mean my mom and sister.

"Someone get Ross a first aid kit!" someone yells. I looked up to see what was going on. A guy who I assume is Ross was on the ground hurt and his teammates and others were around him. Lachlan then grabs the kit and goes to help him. Janya (Jim and Tanya) goes after him. Steve however, was still playing a game on his phone. I watched it all go down like it was an intense wrestling match. I started off to the distance until I hear footsteps coming toward near me. I looked around to see who it was.

It was of course Jerome.

He casually walks towards me as if we're long old time buddies (which I hope not happen). He waves at me and looks at the same direction I was looking at. We both watch at the injured Ross moaning over his broken ankle.

"I hope he'd be okay," Jerome says after minutes of silence.
" too, I guess," I awkwardly replied. I wasn't much of talker, nor someone who was outgoing.

"I mean, I've had a broken arm when I was a junior which probably isn't the same as a broken ankle," I continued.

"Yeah I think I've seen you with that broken arm. You being all alone, and being kind of a lost boy," I looked at him confused.

"A lost boy?"

"Yeah a lost boy. You were all lonely and afraid of life but then when I saw you with Jim, Tanya, Steve, and Lachlan, you seemed happy."

"Oh?" I questioned. Yes I was afraid of life and lonely but I still am because with Jerome making heart eyes towards me, I'm kind of scared of the future.

"Anyways enough about me, what is your story?" Jerome asks curiously.

"My story? Well I was born scared and afraid of everything. My parents were confused that I wasn't social like my other siblings. I guess some spell or some dip shit happened to me."

"Interesting. Mitch, I think we are going to be great friends."


"Yep. Friends. And I mean it."

Preston then calls out for Jerome for something. Jerome waves goodbye at me and left. I was still a bit confused. Why would he want to be friends with me?

Well of course, he feels bad for you being a lonely shit. Probably later, he'll forget about you.

Fuck you voice.

I turned around to see Steve was still there. I can't believe he didn't leave at all.
"I heard everything," he says. "He might actually want to be with you."

"Nah he's only saying those cheesy things is because he feels bad for me," I replied back.

"But are you sure?" Steve says.

I didn't reply. All I wanted was all of these thoughts out of my head. But I couldn't because I'm still thinking,

Does he mean it?

Hey guys! I'm back for more writing. Yeah I took a break from wattpad and writing because I've been busy with school and trying to fix my room up.
As I was writing this chapter I was listening to Blue Neighbourhood and holy shit it's so awesome. I'm vv proud of Troye.

It's finally December which I'm excited about because it's also my birth month (December 10th). AND CHRISTMAS WOOO.

Also after my break I just looked and saw this book has 1k reads?!? Holy shit thank you so much!

Also my goal is to NOT have Mitch or Jerome find this book or else I'll be embarrassed af. Anyways I'm probably gonna go to sleep.

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