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Jerome's POV

As soon as I got to school, I knew there will be a crowd around me as I'm the popular kid. As I was getting out of my car, some people noticed I was here. They waved hello and continue talking to each other. Preston was around the parking lot as usual. We walked to the school and saw a bunch of familiar faces.
We walked to the cafeteria to get our schedules and got in the line.
I noticed some girls staring at me so I looked at them for a second. They started blushing like crazy.

Only if they knew that I'm gay.

I waved at them and returned to my conversation with Preston.
"How was summer break? I went to some parties and shit and it was crazy. Man, you should of been there. Brandon chugged the shit out of the beer in a huge cup," He started blabbing.
"My summer break was okay. I didn't do some partying as usual. I spent my free time studying and finding jobs," Preston started looking at me like I never had fun. I couldn't blame him though. I am a pretty boring person and not crazy as usual.

"Aceti, you need to have fun. Studying is no fun. And finding jobs? How about getting money outta your parents," He replied. I shook my head and ignored his blabbing about how I should be having fun.

After getting the schedule, I went to find my classes a bit early, leaving Preston and went on my own. Suddenly I hear Preston yelling at a kid. I sighed.

Here we go again...


As the usual when going to lunch, I try to act like Preston. Acting all tough. I tried not to, but if you're like me with Preston, you have to act like him. It's complicated to explain. Even though I'm 'popular', Preston acts like he's in control of the school.

And by acting tough, I mean being rude to the non-popular people, which I mostly feel bad about doing. It's stupid of me to do. Though, Preston is the stupid one. He and his gang (some of the people in our group) beats up people and spat on them with hurtful words.

As I was walking to the cafeteria, someone accidentally bumps on me. I took a little look at him to see what's he like. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He looked like he was popular but wasn't.

How come I've never seen him before?

Before I knew it I ended up acting angry to him.
"Watch where you're going!" I yelled at him. He looked scared and terrified. I was still curious why I've never seen him before. He could fit as popular. With the spiky brown hair, beautiful brown eyes. He looked like every girl's dream guy. And maybe my dream guy..

"I-I am s-so sorry," he stuttered with a scared look on his face. He walked away quickly. I felt bad for yelling at him. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to be like '0h hey mysterious stranger I'm sorry and you're hot'. Well, except for the last part.

I continue walking to the cafeteria until school popular and cheerleader Wendy Hoskins walked over to me.
"Hey Jerome boo," she said as she puts a hand on my body. "Interested for a date with me at the cinemas?"

"Um Wendy, I'm kind of busy right now at the moment. With finding a job and doing school work so I may not have time to go out," I lied. It was an excuse to say 'honey I'm gay'.
She looked upset and a bit disappointed. She scoffed and asked the same question to Preston. He whispered to her ear his response and she giggled. When Preston was done doing his thing, we both continue walking.

We finally made it at last. I got my food and walked to a table where Preston was already at as he was ahead of me. I sat down and Alfie Deyes greeted me with a smile. I smiled back and ate my food. Alfie starts blabbing about Zoe and his big soccer game coming up.

"So Jerome, will you be able to make it the big game on Friday?" he asks as he dips his chicken nuggets to ketchup. I shook my head.
"I can't make it. I'm busy with jobs and stuff."

"Jerome you make that excuse all the time. At least have some fun. For Alfie," Preston says.

"No he doesn't have to come. As he said, he's busy," Alfie tells Preston.
"I'll try to come," I told Alfie. Alfie smiled. He thanked me and we continued eating his food.
Then suddenly I head Preston saying something.

"Hey Joe!" Oh no. Joe quickly ducks under the table.
"Joe I can see you, you know," Preston said. Joe groans. He got up and had a scared look in his face.

"W-what is it Preston. I'm not in the mood for your shit."

"Tell everyone how a fag you are."


"Fine then I'll tell everyone you bag of shit," Preston then turns facing the whole room.

"Joe's a fag!" He yelled. Other people then joined him.

"N-no I'm not," he denies. Joe looked like he was about to cry. I wanted to stop Preston but I couldn't. Before I knew it, it was too late.

"Shut the fuck up fag no one wants to talk to you," Joe then runs off to the bathroom crying while people were still laughing at him. I went back to my food and ate.

"He deserved it for being a faggot," Preston says. Alfie looks at Preston.
"I think he's sobbing. I can hear him," Alfie says. It seems like Alfie and I were the only ones who thought what Preston did was awful.

"Pussy," Preston muttered. None of us said anything for a few minutes. Suddenly I see the mysterious boy leaving the cafeteria. I wanted to get up and apologize. But I didn't had the chance to.
After a while, we left the cafeteria and on to out next class. I had to go to gym which was one of my favorites since I'm strong and I end up getting good grades. Luckily, Alfie was in the same class with me and Preston wasn't. We had a conversation while getting to the gym to meet the teacher.

"I feel bad for Joe," Alfie said.

"Why? I'm not mad or anything. I feel bad too."

"He's actually a nice guy. Joe is Zoe's brother so I know him. He doesn't deserve the bullying he gets!" Alfie explains. I nodded.

"Preston is probably just doing it for the attention. Or he just really hates gays."

"Maybe both. Who knows?"

"Yeah and he teases me about being gay."

"But you aren't, wait are you?" Alfie asks and I blushed and nodded in embarrassment.

"Don't worry I support you. I won't tell a single soul. Not even Zoe though I tell her everything."

"Thanks. You know what? You're the first person I ever told," I told Alfie with a smile on my face.

"Wait really? Wow I feel so honored to be the first to know," he said jokingly. I chuckled. Today wasn't so bad after all. Except for the whole yelling at the kid thing. But I am improving. And you know what? I'm proud of myself for coming out to Alfie. Today is probably a good day.

A/N: AND TODAY IS A GOOD DAY. Gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states of United States. I'm bisexual and I'm proud to live here.

Anyways I should of updated earlier but my family had a barbecue today because it's summer. And I watched a movie (which I didn't actually payed attention to and I won't say the name because fans could get mad at me) and ate ice cream.

Next chapter is a huge huge part! You won't believe what I've got plan for the book! *squeals*

BRADLEY OUT! *eats pancakes and watches SacconeJolys on YouTube*

Random fact: I wrote the last part of this chapter while listening to 'Photograph' by Ed Sheeran on repeat

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