Chapter 17

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yayy new chapterrrrr!

song for this chapter: You and I by: One Direction! what do you guys think of midnight memories??? I LOVE IT! oh yea what's your favorite song? mine is you and I it reminds me of LArry :) NO HATE yes I ship larry as a romance, but yes i respect elounor! i just hate how everybody hates on eachother like come on, we are a family! are we really going to tear this fandom apart of a relationship?? ok so that's my ranT! and what are you guy's favorite tv shows? mine are the xfactor, glee, and doctor who! im so sad that matt smith is regenerating though! i will miss him! time to fall in love with a new doctor!! and i cant wait until the new season starts! 50 years whoop whoop! here's the chapter lovelys!


Aleana pov

The boys had to go to an interview tonight so I grabbed my phone and texted Aribella and Shayla to see if they could come over. 

TO: Aribella, Shayla

hi :) it's Aleana, do you want to hang out tonight? the boys had to go to an interivew. if you can come over as soon as you can because im really bored and iwant friends :)

After  I texted them I decided that I should probably tidy up the house a little bit. I sweeped, cleaned out the kitchen and start to put away the stuff that was all over the living room when I heard someone knocking on my door.

"COMING" I yelled to the girls that were waiting outside my door. I walked over and opened the door to reveal two tired looking girls. "Hi!" I said, "You look tired."

"Tell me about it." Said Shay, "we had to work all day and there was this stupid family that kept chaging all of their orders." I thought about that for a minute, must have sucked! Sucks to suckkkkk!

"ALEANA! that was mean, i don't suck!" she replied.

"Maybe you do." I retorted. "But did I seriously say that out loud? I thought I was only thinking it!"

"Well, ok then!"

"Hey do you guys wanna do a twit cam??? I can ask all the directioners if they want to watch, and maybe even watch the interview with us."

"umm sure." Ari replied. I whipped out my phone and quickly tweeted to my growing mass of followers.

@Lani_Wilder: Hello direcitoners! x my new friends @shayla_Shay and @AriDa_Bella and I are doing a twit cam!! wanna watch!!

before closing the app, I quickly followed the girls and then logged onto my computer. We started our twit cam and soon had almost 5,000 people watching it.

"erm, Hello direcitoners!!!! I'm Aleana, but you can call me Lani! ahhh I think you guys should get to know be since I am hanging out with the boys and I want you guys to maybe not hate me!" I said into the screen. "Um so ask some questions... anything you wanna know!" I grinned at my mass audience and waited for the questions to come.

"Question number 1!" Shayla shouted, "If you were another person would you be friends with you?"

"UMMM.. probably not, I'm quite loud and annoying and I think I would most likely be scared of my self as another person." I giggled. That was true though, I was probably pretty frightening to people. "What about you Shay?"

"Probably! I mean look at me! I'm beautiful, and funny, and smart, and EVERYONE LOVES ME!" she said seriously.

"Wow, way to be insecure." Aribella laughed.

"now you go." Shay told Ari.

"I don't really wanna, you guys can do it together it you want." She stated shyly.

"AWWW come on Ari!! Please! we are trying to get to know

each other!" I said trying to boost her confidence.

"oh, Ok I guess. Well I probably would be friends with myself because I know I don't like to be lonely and I'd probably be my only friend." She said and we all cracked up.

"NEXT QUESTION!" I shouted. "What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Wow, you guys are deep! I like these questions!" I said, " My least favorite thing about myself is probably my scars. I takes a lot   to share that with people, and I'm really sad I did it, but that stage in my life is over now!" I smiled at the camera.

"Wow, Aleana, that's great! Ahh my turnnnn! I probably hate my legs, I am always trying to find a way to make then look better! I mean look at Harry Styles legs, they are possibly the most attractive things ever!" said Shayla.

"Nice to know shay, but shouldn't you be insecure about your ass, I mean look at Louis' HOT DAYUMMM!" I said sarcastically which resulted in Aribella laughing so hard she fell off my sofa, and Shayla wacking me repeatedly with a pillow.

"Wait Shay stop!" I shouted, "turn on the TV we can watch the boys interview with this bunch oh lovely people!"

"ughh, fine." Shay turned on the tv and turned back to the laptop. "HELP ME PLEASE! THE EVIL GIRL KIDNAPPED ME!" she shrieked.

"ME TOO!" Aribella pipped.

"What are you talking about? I made your life complete! I was the one who let you come over to my house and be friends with me and the most popular boyband in the world! If that is what you call kidnapping, it sounds pretty god damn good to me!" I laughed.

"Well yea but who knew you weren't going to drug us, or maybe rape us." Said Shay.

"DO I really look like I would do that?"

"yes....." she replied.

"GUYS!" Ari cut us off, "The interview is starting SHUTUP!"

"Ok fine." Shayla resigned.

"Let's watch!" I smiled, "and after the interview, when the boys get home, we can play truth or dare and get the questions from you guys!"


ok, so i hope you guys liked the chapterrrrr! when i next update which i hope is soon, I will do the truth or dare chapter with the boys!!!! comment truth's and dare's down below and I with have the boys and girls answer themmmmm! byeeeee


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