Chapter 4

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Hey Guys so I'm gonna try to update this story every day but with sports and school and activities it might be  LITTLE HARD! So im really sorry if i dont update i will ASAP! So i hope you like this next Chappie Enjoy ~HazzasKupKake405


Aleana's POV

"Aleana do you want to go out to dinner with me?" those words rang through my head for a couple more minutes. Did he seriously like me?

"Oh my gosh Niall.."

"You hate me don't you, why did I expect a girl like you to like a guy like me?" wow Niall sounded really upset. Wait why would I want to go out with him? He is the complete deffinition of PERFECT, I bet if you looked up perfect in the dictionary right now you would find Niall Horan.

"Niall, who could ever hate you, you are amazing! Never say never! I would love to go out to dinner with you!"

"Your just saying that to make me feel better I know it."


"Yes, I really do so, umm.. 7 tonight sound ok?"

"Sounds perfect!" WOW i never relized how blue his eyes were until right now. Man he really was perfect. I saw Niall start to lean in omg he was gonna kiss me, I WAS GONNA KISS NIALL HORAN! My eyes landed on his lips again, the lips that were soon to be connected with mine. Wait I've never kissed anyone, what if i messed up,what if i didn't do it right? As all those thoughts were running through my head I felt his amazing lips connect with mine. Before I could react I heard a door open and eyes land on us, I quickly broke apart.

"Ummmm... did I interupt something?" said the kid whos green eyes were practicly falling out of their sockets.

"No, nothing at all." said Niall blushing a little.

"No, it's fine I'll leave, I'm sorry for interupting."

"No, Harry wait!" I practicly screamed. "It's fine, you can stay"

"Are you sure Aleana, I don't have to stay it you don't want my to"

"I said your staying, now park it Styles!" I said in a jokingly tone.

"Yes mother!"

"Your weird!"

"I know I am, so how far did you guys get before I bardged in?" Niall and I both turned bright red fom blushing so much.

"Harry, Niall just asked me to dinner and then we kinda kissed."

"Yea you keep on telling yourself that Aleana, as for you Niall if you get this girl pregnant...."

"HAZ! I THINK WE UNDERSTAND! I swear the story I just told you is completley true!"

"Aleana I believe you wait we need to go shopping just you and I so we can find you something nice to wear. Niall you finds something too because you are not taking her to Nandos even though i don't think there are any nandos here!"

"Harry I don't have the money to buy a nice dress."

"Thats why you have me Love!"

"I'm not letting you buy me a dress!"

"We'll see!"


so do you think Aleana is gonna let Harry buy her a dress I guess you'll have to wait to find out :) 5 comments for the next Chappie!

Are We Real? (a Niall Horan fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ