Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Julia Moran

Part 1

"Aleana go call your bestest friend in the whole world" I heard mom hollar from the other room. What was she talking about she never wanted me to call Emily because "we were always to busy." What made now different? She was trying to make dinner, as soon as i was on the phone she would call me for dinner.

"Mom why do you want me to call Em?" I asked

"I'm not talking about Emily Aleana" wait if she wasn't talking about Emily she could only be  

about one other person, my childhood besite Louis Tomlinson. I know what  

your probably thinking, how would I know Louis Tomlinson? Well heres my story, when I was little I used to be neighbors with Louis. Our moms knew each other because they have been best friends since they were 7, whenever they would hang out Louis and I would hang out too. The more we hung out the more we got to know each other, we would tell each other everything, we were almost like brother and sister. One day his mom got a call saying that his dad died in a horrible explosion, the factory he worked at had been bombed. I still remember the day he had to leave we were 8 at the time.


"Hey Louis want to hang out at my house for a little while?" I asked, Louis always hung out at my house or I hung out at his.

"Sure, maybe we could go swimming since we have no homework, and it's super hot outside!" hmmmmm it was hot out side but I was pretty sure that we did have homework.

"Louis we do have homework! Just because you don't want to do it doesnt mean you don't have to! After we are finished doing our homework then we can go swimminng."

"Aleana you sound like my mom, why don't you try to loosen up and be cool. I mean all you ever think about is school. Today we are not gonna do our home work when we first get home!"

"Fine, but only today. I'm happy that I actualy care about school unlike someone!"

"Hey who said I didn't care about school? I do by the way! How 'bout I'll race you home!"

"Fine, loser has to do the winners homework!"

"DEAL!" We ran all the way home and Louis ended up losing. We walked through the door expecting to run upstairs and get changed into our swimsuits and go swimming. That didnt happen when we walked through the door we saw both of our moms crying. I looked at Louis to see if he knew what was wrong but when he looked back at me his face shown nothing but pure confusion.

"Mommy what's going on? Why are you crying?" I asked because i was really concerned about my mother.

"I want you and Louis to listen very closley, I'm only explaining this once! Today in the factory there was a bombing. 30 were killed 40 severley injured. Mr. Tomlinson unfortunetly was not one of those that were severley injured. I would just like to say, Louis I'm very sorry about your lose." By that time everyone in the room was sobbing I didn't know what to say, the only thing i could think to do was to confort Louis. I ran over to him and hugged him super tightly. I tried to calm him down by saying soothing things like "everything is gonna be ok," and "I'm always there for you" but that only seemed to make matters worse. I had the worst day ever, 1st i got a C on my math test and 2nd Louis dad died, how could this day get any worse.

"Also Louis and I are moving to England. I can't stay here, the area would bring back to many horrible memories." Now I knew this day has gotten way worse!

*******Flashback Over*******

Louis and I have kept in touch, of course this was before either of us had phones, so we had to communicate by Skype and our moms. After we got phones it was so much easier to communicate.


"Yes Aleana he really is. Now go call him and tell him your coming over, he is staying at the hotel on ClearWater Avenue."

"Okay thanks mom!" I decided to text Louis to tell him i was coming over.

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