Chapter 8

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So basically that was the best night of my life. Not many people get told I love you by a celebrity. I can tell you it makes you feel like a princess. Niall made me feel like a princess. The rest of the night was really fun Niall took me back home and we just talked for a little while. Today I'm going back to the boys hotel room. I think, or I thought until my phone rang. 

From: Nialler boo<3: 

Hey babe dont come over im gonna pick u up! ;) see you soon xxxx love yaa! 

Aww isn't he sweet! 

I texted back real fast 

Morning babe! xxx kk see u soon where r we goin?! love u tooo!<3  

Niall didn't answer which probably means he wasn't going to tell me. God does this boy kill me sometimes. I decided to get out of bed and get ready. I walked into my personal bathroom to get a shower, I mean who doesn't like to be clean. When I got out of the shower I applied just a little eyeliner and eyeshadow and a light pink lip gloss. I decided that for my hair I was going to blow dry it and add large bouncy curls. My hair was finally finished so I went to get dressed. I choose Red high waisted short, with a black lacy, polka dotted blouse, and my black ankle boots. once I was satisfied with my look I went down stairs to wait for Niall . He knocked on my door a couple minutes later. 

"Heyyyy Niall!" I said happy that he was here. "Hey Aleana!' he said back in a really cheery voice. 

"So are you ready to go?" I asked him because honestly I really wanted to go. He led me out to his car for an answer. 

"Hey babe, where are we going?" I asked 

"I guess you'll find out when we get there." he said completely satisfied with his answer. 

"You know I love you but you will be the death of me." 

"No I won't but I love you too!" I leaned in and gave him a small peck on the lips. 


I hope you liked the chappy I have a cheer competition tomorrow wish me luck!!! 

~xoxo Allyi!

Are We Real? (a Niall Horan fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora