Chapter Sixty: Matters To Attend To

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Ahsoka's harsh boot steps echoed through the hallways of the White Saber, punctuating the usual calmness and stillness of the air at carefully regulated intervals. She was on a mission, and Murphy help anyone who stood in her way.

"Where is he?" she demanded as she came to a halt in front of a specific door to her right.

The trooper standing outside, a patch on his shoulder signifying his station as a medic, looked up at her from where he had been unwinding a roll of surgical gauze. "General, he's still very weak. I don't know if it would be the best idea to–"

Ahsoka didn't let him finish. "Kix, I need to see my husband... Please."

Kix sighed, a few lines appearing in his face as he thought. He was one of the original members of the 501st who had fought with her during the Clone Wars, but, unlike most of his brothers, had decided not to have his accelerated growth slowed, leading to a more wizened appearance even if he was the same age as the others.

"All right. Go on in. But make sure he doesn't overexert himself."

She breathed a sigh of relief, putting her hand on his shoulder in thanks. As far as she was concerned, a medic's word was law, and she wouldn't go against his or her word if someone's health and wellbeing were on the line.

Then, she walked into what was for the time being Lux's room.

The moment Lux caught sight of her, a huge smile lit up his face. "Ahsoka!" he called warmly, abandoning the datapad he had been reading over and shifting a little so that he was sitting up taller in bed.

Ahsoka ran across the room, but remembered in time that it was possible he wasn't yet strong enough to absorb the impact if she sent herself flying into his arms as she usually did. Instead, she sat down beside him and leaned in to kiss him soundly on the lips.

It was a gesture he returned wholeheartedly, cupping her face in his hands. They both pulled away for a moment, looking into one another's eyes, before Lux closed the distance and their lips met again.

Quite some time had passed before they finally parted, and, the second he realized she was crying, Lux pulled her into his arms. She held him tightly, and let a sigh of relief she hadn't even known she was holding escape from between her lips.

"I'm glad you're okay," she whispered after a long silence.

He nuzzled her lekku affectionately, tucking his chin over her shoulder. "Me too. I don't know what it is that makes you so brave, but if it's genetic, can I just say I really hope the kids got it?"

Ahsoka smiled, giving him one last squeeze before pulling out of the embrace. "Okay. You're all in one piece – I can breathe easy now. Time to focus."

"You sure? It can always wait a little longer."

Lux held his arms open again, and, although snuggling back down again was a very appealing idea, she knew they had things to attend to.

Then, he grinned. "How about we do both? I mean, the perks of being husband and wife as well as colleagues, am I right?

Ahsoka nodded, taking his right hand and playing with the gold wedding band around his finger as he reached over to grab his datapad with his left.

"The board labeled it mass hysteria, from some sort of chemical compound that was being released into the air from chambers full of gas that were accidentally ruptured while mining. We've sent out notices to them and their families, apologizing for not detecting it until it was too late." He pressed his lips into a thin line, his expression clouding over. "It's not like we can exactly tell them that their loved ones were possessed by a Sith Lord."

The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano, Book NineWhere stories live. Discover now