Chapter Five: Ahsoka's Impressions/ Something Stirring

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Ahsoka leaned up against a tall, smooth column near the entrance of the New Jedi Temple, arms crossed and eyes peeled. Although Kayli thought that she was excellent at sneaking off without being noticed, she really wasn't. Or maybe Ahsoka's senses were just more finely tuned than those of others.

But, either way, one thing was for certain: Kaylira was sneaking off, and Ahsoka hadn't the faintest idea why. Was it a boy, perhaps? Since she had removed the ban on attachment in the Order, many of the Jedi had gotten married, or were going out with someone.

Of course, it was only natural for Kaylira to be in love with someone, or in a relationship. She was, after all, a thirteen-year-old girl, and not much younger than Ahsoka herself had been when she had first met Lux.

Suddenly, a silhouette darted across the entrance to the cave, hugging the wall in hopes of avoiding notice. Ahsoka couldn't see who it was from this distance, despite her excellent Togruta eyesight, but the Force whispered to her that it was indeed her young Padawan.

Ahsoka pulled herself further into the shadows, watching her apprentice approach. As the girl got closer, she could feel something... strange in the Force around her. She was wrapped in a presence like a blanket. When she searched it, she got short bursts of feelings, like the musty smell of leaves on the forest floor, the sound of trees swaying in the wind, and of the beautiful colors of flowers.

"Kaylira?" she called, and the figure froze. It was indeed she. "Kaylira, there's no use in hiding. I know it's you. Come out, and talk to me."

Carefully, the Padawan came out of the shadows, and into the light of the lanterns near the foot of the grand staircase into the Temple. "I suppose you're going to punish me, aren't you?" she said glumly.

"No," Ahsoka said, and began to walk down the steps towards her. "Kayli, I'm not mad. I just want to know what you've been doing. It's very early for teenage Padawans to be up and running."

"I... It's hard to explain, Master."

"Hard to explain?" Ahsoka raised an eyebrow. "Well, try your best, then."

"Um... Well... Master, you know how I've always been wary of people I don't know. I've always felt more comfortable with people I know well, or creatures that we consider to be non-sentient, than others."

Ahsoka nodded, and the girl continued. "I know that every Force-sensitive being has the ability to understand their surroundings, to a degree. For me, it's like that as well – obviously. But it's magnified. It's a hundred times stronger, so that I can almost understand what the plants and animals are saying. And it's especially powerful on this planet, for some reason. On Tatooine, I could hardly feel anything, but here... It's like Cialone is singing to me."

Ahsoka was completely shocked by what she was hearing, but motioned for the girl to continue. "I have a special place, one where my... peculiarity is strongest. The plants and the animals and I can communicate most easily there. The call me things like the 'Heiress', and the 'Last Descendant'. But I don't know what it means!"

The Togruta woman thought for a moment, looking into Kayli's violet eyes. "Well, based on what you've told me, I can make one assumption. You're special, Kayli. Something about this planet calls to you, and yet... The reason behind it is unclear. I'll meditate on this, and I suggest you do the same." The she smiled gently. "Now come on. I have something important to tell you and the kids."

Far away, unbeknownst to both the Jedi and the Empire's affiliates, a dark force stirred on a planet of red sands and harsh mountains. The essence of a Sith Lord who had died a thousand years before awakened, finding that it was strong, and ready to reconquer what it had possessed centuries before.

Taking the form of an ashy mist, dotted here and there with embers, it floated over to the body of a Zabrak Sith Lord that had remained there, ageless, for nearly a decade. It was an empty shell of a being, as the spirit that had once inhabited it had been banished to the Cosmic Force by an agent of the Light Side of the Force, and was never to return. This had presented the smoky presence with an opportunity to live again, which it had protected carefully for seven years.

Now, the being sensed that the time was right.

His fellow Sith shrieked at him to let the body be, as there was no honor in returning to the plane on which the living resided from the dead. He should remain here, glorified for countless decades as the generations of Sith that had followed in his footsteps came to pay homage to his greatness.

Or, he could leave, by taking this chance to create new deeds to be remembered by, which would stop history from slowly forgetting him.

And so, with this plan in mind, he plunged into what had once been the earthly tether of Darth Maul. As the Sith's sickly yellow and red eyes opened, his host's lips curled into a smile.

He was free again.

*Something stirs on a planet far, far away... Who could it be? What do they want with Darth Maul's body? What could their plans for the galaxy be? And what could be the reason for Kaylira's strange abilities, and her title amongst Cialone's flora and fauna, 'the Heiress'? You'll find out in the next brilliant chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello all! I hope you liked the chapter (I'm looking at you, Thewayofthebionicle, because you wanted to get some action going, and this chapter is dedicated to you), and I'll try to post the next one soon.

And I am SO FREAKING PROUD OF MYSELF right now, because I've FINALLY figured out how to add images! Of course, you're probably all looking at me like, 'how does she not know how to do this?' But, for some reason, I couldn't get it to work. I've been trying for like MONTHS. But IT JUST DID, so I'm going to give myself a congratulatory pat on the back. *pats back*

The image I posted is something I found online that fit the mood of the second half of the chapter. I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY IT WORKED AND I-- okay I just need to calm down right now. Anyways, the next chapter should be up soon, sooooo... Bye!

Discover that your father betrayed everyone he knew to become more powerful and may the Force be with you,


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